Family Friends

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Both Y/n's parents had woken up pretty early to get ready for the party later on. A bunch of their family friends were coming over and they were going to drink, eat and chat all night. Usually it was the Thompsons couple with their two younger kids and then the Munson's which was just Wayne Munson and Eddie Munson. They'd all known each other for a long time, always having things like this where they could catch up on their busy life's. She didn't mind it that much, there was always delicious food.

 The boys were about eight, seven years younger than her, and would always ask to play tag and hide and seek. Eddie though, was her age which was nice when you had a friend to talk too. Although over the past couple years, how she felt about him was changing. It was true, he always had the personality but he had also grown to be quite a good looking guy. 

But she never said anything because she didn't want to ruin what they had. It would be incredibly awkward whenever they had parties like this. Her parents were pretty close with his uncle and they'd see each other a lot so the last thing she'd want is to mess everything up. She solved that problem when she started dating this guy at her school. Everything seemed to be going great until he ended things. She didn't know why but maybe it was for the best. Y/n did really like him but her feelings for Eddie were also stronger then ever.

Y/n was now sat in her room reading before the guests arrived. Her dad was outside with the barbecue and her mom was cleaning up anything that was left around. Not long after there was a loud knock on the door and then a few minutes later one of the boys came crashing into her room.

"Y/n! Y/n!" David screamed, being the first one and youngest to run inside. He scrambled onto the bed and gave her a big hug. "I missed you!" Then right after him the older one Peter walked in, going over to her to also give her a hug. 

"Hey I missed you guys too." She replied, squeezing them again before letting go. 

"Will you play tag or hide and seek with us later?" David questioned, a glimpse of hope in his eyes. Hopefully she wasn't too cool to still play with them. She chuckled and nodded her head. Right now she wasn't in the mood but after some food and talking she'd feel better.

"David! Peter! Don't bother Y/n!" Their mother Alice yelled, which they listened too immediately. She continued to read her book until she was interrupted again by a knock. Then she heard her dad asking her to go get it. Obviously it was Eddie and his uncle so quickly she jumped out of her bed and straightened any creases on her outfit. Just before she left her room, she fixed her hair and made sure she looked presentable upon seeing Eddie again. 

Once satisfied, she ran out her room and went to open the door for them. Instantly, her heart began to beat triple time. There he was Eddie Munson, holding a box of chocolate in his one hand and the keys in his other until he shoved them into his pocket. 



 Wayne could feel the awkward tension so he nudged Eddie to go inside and then gave Y/n a quick hug before heading to the backyard where everyone else was. She closed the door behind them and nervously looked down at her hands where she was picking her nails. So much for acting cool like nothing was going on. When they joined the others they were given plenty of hugs. For a while, everyone sat together outside chatting and joking about anything. The two boys were on their iPads and Y/n was talking to Alice about different movies they enjoyed. Eddie was sitting across from her, deep in a conversation with her dad. They seemed very serious about it, must've been about music then or guitars maybe even board games. Eddie loved those.

Well at least her dad liked him, that made her feel better. She couldn't help but glance at him every now and then. Sometimes she had also caught him staring at her too. Maybe she was just imagining things though. It was getting closer to dinner but the boys were still filled with energy and wanted to play tag out on the grass with Y/n. They asked Eddie too as well but he kindly denied, saying he would sit and watch them. 

In fact he did. He sat there admiring Y/n and her talent with kids. They loved her like their own sister and it was captivating. She was captivating. They ran around, chasing and yelling at each other. Y/n would always run slower so it was more fair and they could catch her. After a long time she felt exhausted and out of breath. Those kids really got her to do a workout.

"I can feel the muscles forming." She joked, flexing her arms to the boys which caused them to giggle. It brought a smile onto Eddie's face, she really was perfect to him. David and Peter leaped back onto the couch where their iPads were laying. Sadly, they didn't get long because dinner was just about ready. Everyone got up from their seats and crowded inside around the kitchen counter so they could fill their plates with food. 

Y/n grabbed her portion of food and went back outside to take a seat at the table. David followed  her and sat down on her left. Peter came out too and was about to sit on her right but his mom pat the chair beside her. "Let the two teens sit together." She whispered in his ear, smiling at Y/n. Alice knew what she was doing. The only seat left was by her but Eddie didn't complain. It meant he got to be close to her and what he wanted to do the most, was talk to her. 

While everyone was chatting, Y/n was staring at her plate of food, slowly eating it. Eddie noticed nobody was talking to her so he tried to start a conversation. Asking her how school was going and all her friends. 

"I heard you have a boyfriend." It's true, his uncle would tell him things that he hears from her parents sometimes.

"Had, we ended things." She replied, looking up from her plate and smiling at him. Eddie tried to hide the joy and smile on his face. Even though he was thrilled she was single again, she was probably upset about it so he had to keep a straight face. But maybe he had a chance now. God he hoped he did. 

"Oh, I'm really sorry. Well he's missing out on a great girl." 

Y/n looked away, attempting to hide the blush that was crawling up her neck to her cheeks. She didn't want him to notice so she started talking to David beside her, to try and contain her feelings. Eddie thought she just didn't want to talk to him so he frowned and continued to eat his food. Once everyone had eaten, Y/n retreated to the comfort of her room again. It was much quieter without the talking and music. She was deep in her book, she'd lost track of time. Luckily, Y/n was brought back into reality when Eddie knocked on her door with a slice of cake that her mom had made earlier. 

"Just wanted to check if you wanted some dessert, it's really good." 

"Uh sure." He walked over with the plate and placed it on her bedside table. She thanked him before he started heading back to the door until he decided to stop in his place. What was he doing? Taking a deep breath he turned back around to say something else to her.

"I'm sure he'll come around."

"What if I don't want him too?" She laughed nervously. Eddie tilted his head in confusion. He had no idea what she meant by that. Y/n didn't give him the answer he wanted, instead she shuffled over a bit to make room and patted the space beside her. Hesitantly, he joined her, it's not that he didn't want too, it was just that he'd probably get too nervous. Once he sat down, she rested her head on his shoulder and placed her book down. He didn't want to move or say anything in case she stopped, plus if he tried to talk nothing would come out. His breath was hitched and he was fiddling with his rings. Why was he so nervous. Jesus Christ. 

"Is it bad I'm relieved." 

"Well not really, but why are you?" He questioned, now he was curious.

"There's someone else, and I guess that makes it easier if they felt the same way." Y/n explained, lifting her head from his shoulder to look in his eyes. If this didn't give him the message then what would. Now the only problem would be, she had no idea if he felt the same way. Although you only live once. Her gaze dropped from his eyes to his lips, then back up into his eyes again. 

They both began to lean in until the gap between them was closed and their lips collided. It was a long passionate kiss, because they'd been holding back their feelings for so long and now they were finally able to stop hiding them. Eddie grabbed her neck gently, pulling her in closer if that was possible. Y/n then placed her one hand on his cheek, deepening the kiss. When they pulled away, she placed one last kiss on his lips before looking into his eyes again. 

"I think he feels the same way." Y/n joked.

"Me too sweetheart." 

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