Bet (Alt Ending)

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Here's an alternative ending because originally they weren't endgame, you're so welcome I was kind enough. This is what would've happened if Eddie considered giving her a second chance after the ending of part 2. Enjoy! (sad endings are better).

I'm sorry Y/n, but I can't ever trust you like that again. His words hurt more than anything she'd ever endured before. It hurt more, knowing that all of this could've been prevented and they could still be together.

She felt ashamed walking back towards the car with her head hung low. Y/n had only taken about five minutes so her mom had just been waiting outside to make sure things went smoothly. Her daughter had already gotten into a fight, what was going to stop her from getting into another. 

"He'll come around." She said, opening the door for Y/n. It was clear that things didn't end up working. As much as she hoped it would for her daughters happiness, it was a lesson learnt. Hopefully, next time she wouldn't agree to something as stupid as that bet again. "He just needs time."


"Who was that?" Gareth questioned, a stern look on his face. Clearly it was someone important if Eddie had said the opposite. No one takes that long talking to someone if they weren't important and there was one person that it mostly likely could've been. Y/n

"Y/n." Eddie's answer caused some of the guys to groan in frustration and roll their eyes. They all despised her for what she did, breaking their lead guitarist and friends heart. He deserved much better than her, so they were all curious as to what she wanted and why it took him so long to shut the door on her face. "She just wanted to explain herself."

"What's there to explain! You were a bet!" Gareth yelled angrily, slumping down onto the couch with a beer in his hand. When Eddie remained silent, Gareth took it as him considering whatever she imposed on him. "C'mon, she really screwed you over."

"Gareth's right man, what she did was messed up." Jeff added, only wanting the best for his friend. Although, it only seemed to piss Eddie off more since he didn't need their opinions right now.

As much as they were right, he still had feelings for Y/n, he still grew to love her over the few months that ended up being almost half a year. It couldn't have been a mask or an act, the way she was with him when they were alone. She was completely different, then what people described her to be. Instead of being a stuck up, rude brat, she was funny and patient. 

How could someone pretend to be someone else for that long without going tired and slipping up. Therefore there had to be some truth to what she had told him. Maybe she did ending up falling for him, maybe she did forget about the bet most of the time. Or maybe it was just another part of her tricks that she liked playing.

He would figure it out at some point, he couldn't just forget about her and move on. It was almost impossible when it came to a girl like her. The true her that is. Not the face she put on around her cheerleading and jock friends. 

"Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice shame on me." Gareth stated, pointing at Eddie who was leaning against the kitchen counter, shaking his head in annoyance. His friends input was driving him insane. He just wanted to figure this out himself. 

"We're just trying to look out for y-"

"Jesus Christ! I know, but I don't need you guys up my arse the entire time!" Eddie complained, grabbing his keys from the edge of the table. Then ignoring everyone's protests, he stormed down the hallway and out onto the street. Right now he just needed time for himself to decide what he wanted. All he knew, was that he hoped Y/n would be part of it, somehow.

For the next couple weeks, both Y/n and Eddie still hadn't talked to each other. Only quick glances across the halls were exchanged between them. Whenever they passed each other around the school, they always tried to make it fast. It was much too awkward and tense to deal with. 

Both of them wanted to talk to each other, to see if there would ever be a chance for them again. The only problem was, they just didn't know how, or what they'd say. Plus, Y/n wasn't going to make the first move, that was obvious. She already explained herself to him and apologised, there was nothing else to say or nothing else to do. 

So the only hope was Eddie. Unfortunately, his friends were opposed to the idea of him ever interacting with Y/n again, which ultimately, was a big set back. He knew they just wanted the best for him, but they never got to know her like he did. They didn't get to fall in love with her.

"Don't touch my food." Eddie spat, glaring at everyone who was sitting at the table. Once they all nodded their heads obediently, he jumped up from his spot and left the cafeteria to go to the toilet. 

Y/n's gaze followed him until he was out of sight which is when she saw some other jocks get up from their spot. They all had stupid smirks on their face as they went out the same way as Eddie. There was a possibility that they were going somewhere else, but she felt obliged to follow. She had a bad feeling about this.

Luckily for her, she was sitting by herself so no one would notice or care. Ever since the fight, she had bad blood with all her 'friends'. It didn't come as a surprise though, Y/n knew what would've happened if she punched Gaby but she felt like it was the right thing to do.

Walking around the corner, she heard some yelling coming from further down the halls. She knew exactly who it was, Eddie and those stupid jocks. Now that him and Y/n weren't together anymore, all the bullies thought they'd be safe to torment him again. But they were so wrong. 

As she approached another corner, the sound of the commotion had grown much louder, meaning she was on the right track. By now she could understand what they were saying and it didn't sound very friendly.

"Don't have your little girlfriend around anymore to save you." 

"Stop being douches!" Y/n scolded, her arms crossed as they nervously let go of Eddie's shirt. When she got a good look at the damage they did, Eddie was holding onto half of his face. Her instincts then kicked in and she ran to his side, pulling his arm away to see a large red mark around his eye. "They're gonna get their asses beat some day."

Y/n looked over her shoulder to see the last person turn the corner, leaving the two alone. For a couple minutes, she had completely forgotten about everything else, only focused on making sure Eddie was ok. 


"It was the least I could do." Y/n replied, standing back up to give him a hand. "I think you're safe to go get ice, they went the opposite way."

Just as she was about to leave, Eddie grabbed her wrist but not too tightly to leave a mark. Then when she spun back around to face him, he closed the gap between them by connecting their lips. 

Y/n immediately kissed him back, deepening it by wrapping her arms around his neck. Only now did she realise how much she missed the taste of his lips and the thrill of being so close to him. Especially since she had gone such a long time without being able to kiss him or even just touch him.

"I missed that." Y/n said once they pulled away from each other. "But what does this mean?"

"That I forgive you." She couldn't hide the smile that spread onto her face. For weeks that's all she wanted to hear from him and now she finally did. He finally forgave her. "With a face like that, how can't I?" 

"You don't know how happy I am to hear that."

"Just, for the love of god, no more bets?" He joked, cupping her cheeks so she'd look at him.

"No more bets."

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