It's a Long Way to the Top

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TW talks of suicide, drugs and overdose

Ever since primary school, Eddie had been determined to become a rock star. He loved to play the guitar and listen to music. He wanted to be in a band with some of his friends like Gareth and Jeff. That was his massive dream that people would always call 'impossible'. They'd say 'dream big, but not that big' or 'be more realistic'. But he was, he was being realistic. That's what he wanted to do even if people didn't believe in him or support him. Well actually Y/n did, she always supported him. In primary school, they were best friends, practically inseparable. As they got older and got to high school, their feelings towards each other had grown into something more. Something beautiful. Many people were jealous of their relationship. While most couples lasted a couple months at most, they had been together for over six years.

Y/n was the best girlfriend ever. She was everything a guy could want. Everything Eddie wanted. He'd be playing at a gig with Corroded Coffin, even if it wasn't big. There she was, in the front row cheering him on. His number one fan through everything. At home he'd be practicing a song. She'd be there to listen every time. Y/n was the best thing that ever happened to him, he didn't know what he'd do without her. He promised her that he'd never change. That he'd always love her and make time for her when he became famous.

After high school, they were still together. Guess people could call them high school sweethearts. Eddie's band was slowly getting more popular, he even started releasing his own songs. Y/n would always be the first to hear them. It wasn't easy though, trying to get deals and venues to play at. All that music artist kind of stuff, since Eddie didn't really like it. He'd rather have Y/n be their manager but she couldn't. Their band was always busy, he barely had time for normal life things. Like going to the beach, watching movies or going on proper dates with his girlfriend. 

That's when Y/n came into play. She was there every step of the way, right by his side. Without her he would've gone mental ages ago. He wouldn't be where he was now if she wasn't with him, he was sure of it. Although lately, he was dealing with a lot more stress then usual. They were on tour and it was chaotic. Worrying about where they'd sleep that night. Always moving, having to get to places on time but having to practice in their free time too. That's why she tagged along. But no matter how hard Y/n tried to comfort him, it just wasn't working like it use too. He'd push her away, saying he was busy or he needed to practice. She was lucky if he even spoke a sentence to her, but still she had his back. Hopefully after this tour, things would slightly go back to normal. As normal as a rockstars life could get. 

It was the night before a concert in LA. Y/n had gone out with a couple of her friends that flew over for the weekend to catch up. They went to this restaurant, had a couple drinks and talked over dinner. It was good since she was always cramped into a trailer or standing backstage of a massive concert. It was around eight at night and she had just gotten back. Gareth, Jeff and some others were chilling and talking outside. 

"Hey guys. Have you seen Eddie." 

"Yeah, yup he should be in his room." Gareth answered, smiling at her before he talked to Jeff again. Saying goodbye and night to them, she walked off towards their room. They were actually lucky enough to get half decent rooms since they were part of the venue. There was a lounge when you first entered their space and then their rooms where connected. It was actually really cute and smart for bands. To all share a lounge but have separate rooms for privacy. She knocked on the door but got no answer so she began digging through her purse for the keys. Once unlocking the door, she closed it behind her and slipped her shoes off as well as her coat. 

The lounge was empty, but their room door was closed so that was probably where he was. If he wasn't asleep, hopefully they could spend some time with each other. Sometimes she missed the simple things like holding him and grabbing lunch together, but of course she was so proud of him. More than anything really. 

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