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One of Black Sabbath's albums was playing as Y/n tried her best to fix a pipe under the sink. It was really frustrating her that every time she adjusted it, the pipe would still leak a little bit. This wasn't her first time since she worked for her family business, but she was just struggling a lot for some reason. Maybe it was cause her dad and her had a heated argument earlier today. She told him she didn't always want to stay in the business, that she wanted to do more than just fix pipes underneath peoples sinks. Obviously, he disagreed as she was the only child and someone had to continue with it when he retired.

She was completely oblivious of any background noises other than the blasting music. As the song came to an end she could hear the phone ringing on the wall. Shit! It was probably her dad and he was pissed enough. Hurrying over to the record player, she turned it down, picking up the phone after. 

"Hello, Y/n speaking, how can I help you?"

"There's another job for you when you're done, this ladies pipe is busted." Her dad explained, no hi, hey or how's it going? "You better hurry up, it's been way too long." Without saying goodbye he hung up. She placed the phone back angrily, stepping over to the record player again. As she turned it back up she heard a voice behind her. 

"Black Sabbath, good choice."

"Jesus Christ!" Y/n yelled, spinning around to face him. It was a boy about her age like nineteen or twenty. His hair was dripping wet and he only wore a towel, meaning he probably had just had a shower. Her eyes traveled up and down his body, scanning over all his tattoos and his v-line that was sticking out from the towel. Wow, was he hot. Wayne had mentioned he had a nephew but he said no one was going to be home. Although she thought he was going be much younger. Why? She wasn't sure of it. For a second she forgot she was staring and also the fact that she didn't look her best. Her hair was all loose and messy, while she wore the companies t-shirt. Not the best fashion style but she had too. A smirk started to appear on his face, watching this strange girl in his kitchen check him out.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't know anyone was going to be at home, Wayne said so." She ranted, turning around, trying to hide how flushed she was. He remained where he was, laughing at her shyness. He walked back to his room not long after, leaving her alone again with her thoughts. 'What the hell was that?' She scolded herself while heading back into the kitchen. Once again she got back to what she was here to do. Not to gawk at clients hot nephews who she didn't even know. 

"Do you need help there sweetheart?" The same voice asked, sending shivers down her spine. 

"No! I can do this on my own." She replied not very politely, causing him to throw his hands up in surrender.

"Go ahead then, good luck." Then he lay down on the couch with a bag of chips in his hand eating away. At least he had a shirt on now, no more distractions for her, hopefully. She gave up a little while later, falling back on her butt, dropping her head in her hands. "How did that work out for you?" He teased, walking into the kitchen, standing in front of her. 

"Shut up." She snapped back, her head still in her hands. He decided to quit with the jokes as it seemed she definitely wasn't in the mood for it. Leaning on the counter next to her, he contemplated on what to say. He wasn't the best at comforting people and especially not someone he didn't know. Although he felt like he needed to help this stranger sitting in his kitchen. 

"You want a beer?" A smile spread on his face when he heard the sound of her laugh. Does that mean he was doing something right? "There's plenty in the fridge, take a break and drink with me." There it was again, her laugh.

"I can't I'm still on the job." He sighed, walking over to the fridge pulling out a pack of beers. Taking them to the couch he grabbed one and took a swig, leaning back in satisfaction. 

It wouldn't hurt to have one drink. Maybe it would clear her mind and she'd be able to finally fix the problem. The only thing is if her dad found out he'd be even more mad. She wouldn't even get fired which sometimes she wished she did. It would be an easy way to get out of the life long family business. Slowly, she lifted herself up. Entering the living room, she walked over to the beer. Her hand hovered over it, eventually picking one up. She fell back onto the couch beside the boy, pulling out her keys to open the bottle. For a second she forgot it was beer, downing half the bottle before he held it down from her mouth.

"Easy there, thought you were still on the job?"

"Well it's too late now, my dads already gonna kill me." Bingo! Now he knew the problem.

"Is that who was on the phone?" She nodded her head, taking another sip of the beer. "Guess you don't really wanna be here right now?"

"You know, you haven't told me your name." Y/n said, trying to change the subject but he brushed it off. She probably didn't want to talk about it. 

"Eddie, what about you?" Eddie, she hadn't really met any Eddie's before but he did look like one. After telling him her name they went silent for a minute until Eddie spoke again. "What's a girl like you doing fixing peoples' sinks?" She hesitated for a second before answering while pointing at her shirt.

"Family business, as you can see." 

"Ahh, but not what you want? Am I right?"

"Woah, how can you tell?" She replied sarcastically getting a chuckle out of Eddie. "Like my dad always says, 'You're the future of our business'." He remained quiet as he listened to her rant on about her dad. Usually, he couldn't care less about someone's problems but he was so drawn to this girl he just met. She went on about how much pressure she felt from it, especially since it wasn't the path that she wanted. At the same time she didn't want to disappoint her father more than she already had. It was far from an easy decision.

"I'm sorry for that." She laughed nervously, rubbing the back of her neck. "Just felt good to get it off my chest."

"It's fine, trust me." Y/n sighed in relief, at least he didn't think she was annoying. They continued to chat for a little while longer. She learnt that he was good at the guitar and was a massive metal head. 

"Shit! I'm supposed to be fixing your sink!" 

"I don't mind, honestly." He grinned, watching her rush back into the kitchen panicking. 

"How could I be so stupid! It was just clogged further up." She cried, looking over her shoulder at him before getting back to work on it. "I may be a shit daughter, but I'll get the job done."

"I think you're far from that." 

"It doesn't matter what you think." She retorted, getting up to open the tap, in hopes of no leaking.

"You're right, it doesn't so neither does your dads." He was sorta right, there was no way she was going to let someone stop her from doing what she wanted. "Hey would you look at that, it's not leaking." She looked down to see he was correct, excitement took over her. Spinning around jumping up, she pulled him in for a hug, letting go immediately after realising what she'd done. Blush creeped up her neck to her cheeks. Quickly, she bent down picking up the tools and packing them away, trying to ignore what had just happened. Once she was finished, Eddie escorted her to the door.

"Okay, well that's done, Mr Munson said he would complete the payments by the end of this week. If you have any other issues with it in the future just let us know." She explained, looking at the papers in her hands.

"All professional now are we?" He added, earning a playful elbow in his shoulder. "I'll see you around right?"

"If your pipe is busted again, then yes." Y/n answered looking up at him. Maybe today wasn't all that bad.

"Well, if that means seeing you again." He wanted to see her again? The thought brought a smile to her face, as she waved goodbye, getting into her car. Well, off to the next client, she thought, turning the key in the ignition. At least something good came of today. Or more, someone.

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