Brothers Best Friend

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Y/n had a an older brother Theo, but he was only older by a year. That didn't matter though, what mattered was the fact he had a best friend who was the same age as him. His name was Eddie, and he was perfect in every way. 

The way his smile could instantly brighten up her day or how he was one of the most confident and bubbly people she had ever met. She was madly in love, and she had been for the past four years.

Sadly, her brother would never allow for them to be together, not that it mattered anyways. Eddie was too busy obsessing over random chicks that he would pick up after shows or wherever the hell he found them. She didn't care much for any details since she was head over heels for him yet he saw her nothing more than a little sister.

It was the sad truth, having to always be around the guy she was in love with, knowing that nothing would ever come of her feelings. Hopefully she would move on, sooner rather than later. Although, there were times when she questioned whether she should just give up on him or not. 

There had been many cases when Eddie openly flirted with her. Obviously not much in front of her brother unless he wanted to be yelled at. But he did, and god she hated him for it because every time she was even remotely close to getting over him, he would compliment her, like saying she looked beautiful. 

And much like her brother, Eddie was always very protective of her. If any other guys ever attempted to flirt with her, not only would they have to deal with her brother, but Eddie as well. That's also what made her think that it was probably because she was like his little sister. Or maybe he returned her feelings. Guess it would continue to be a mystery as she was much too afraid to find out.

There were many other things Y/n would rather be doing on a Friday afternoon instead of homework. Like going out with her friends for example, she was eighteen after all. The only good thing about her being stuck at home today was the fact that Eddie was over right now. 

Half an hour ago he had popped into her room to say hi, before retreating to her brothers room. They had been hiding out inside there ever since, doing who knows what, but she wasn't complaining as long as they remained quiet. She needed to get her school work sorted so she wasn't locked up here all weekend long. 

Her stomach began to growl and she had been so busy she hadn't realised how hungry she was. At first she tried to ignore the hunger so she could just get done but eventually decided it wouldn't hurt to grab a few snacks quickly. Just as long as she didn't run into a certain someone because it seemed everything else was always forgotten when she saw him. 

Dropping her book onto the bed, she got up and went straight for the door, scanning the long hallway to make sure Eddie wasn't anywhere to be seen. Luckily, her brothers bedroom door was closed so the coast was clear. 

Without wasting another second, she rushed down the hall and down the stairs towards her kitchen. Once she made it to the cupboard, she rummaged through all the food and chose some crackers as there wasn't much. 

When Y/n was sure that's what she wanted, she head back up the stairs and towards her room. That's when she realised there was an uninvited guest inside, snooping around. She immediately froze the second she saw them before snapping back to reality since it was none other than Eddie himself. 

"Can I help you?"

"Oh, I just got lost on my way to the toilet." He lied, flashing her his signature smile that made her weak in the knees. 

Eddie had been here at least a hundred times so him being lost was almost impossible. The last thing she needed was him going through all her things again, last time he ended up finding her underwear drawer. That's not something you wanted your crush to see, but his nosy ass just happened to find it. 

"I'm busy, so if you don't mind." She sassed, crossing her arms as he walked away from her wall full of posters and over to her. 

"I never realised how great your music taste was." He whispered in her ears, pointing at all the Metallica, Megadeth and Guns n Roses things hung up. It was just a distraction as he tried to snatch the crackers out of Y/n's hand which didn't end up working very well.

"Hey! Give that back, I'm starving!" She cried, reaching up in the air for what he had unrightfully stolen from her. "Please!"

"Well since you said please," Eddie teased, getting lost in her eyes for a second as he slowly lowered the cracker so she could reach them. Then just as she grabbed them back, he surprisingly leaned forward, closing the gap between them. 

Y/n didn't hesitate kissing him back as this was what she had been dreaming of since she was fourteen. To her dismay, it didn't last long because he had pulled away, avoiding eye-contact with her. But considering how he suddenly started acting, they were probably filled with regret and shame.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that, it was a mistake." He apologised, immediately leaving afterwards without letting her say anything in return. What did he mean? Did she do something wrong. She was more confused than upset. Did he not start it and kiss her first? Everything was ruined between them now, that much was sure. 


For the whole week Eddie had been avoiding the option to come over to Theo's house because it meant the chances of running into Y/n. He had fucked up last time they were around each other and he didn't want to make it worse.

Although, today he ran out of luck, he couldn't keep blowing off plans, Theo would become suspicious and then he'd find out someway. So for today he would just have to act as normal as possible and avoid having any interactions with Theo's sister. 

"I don't know what's been up with Y/n lately." Theo said, shaking his head before shoving some popcorn into his mouth. Eddie was curious as to what he meant and asked him why. "Well ever since last Friday she's been much more moody, I even caught her crying a few times and I don't know what to do man!" 

"Have you tried asking her?" 

"That's the first thing I did! She just said 'it doesn't matter' when clearly it does." Theo yelled in frustration. "Girls are so difficult."

"I'm gonna go to find some snacks." Eddie said, getting up off the bed. It wasn't a full lie, he was going to get snacks but he would stop by Y/n's room first to check up on her. Her bad mood was most likely his fault in the first place so the least he could do was try to make it up to her. 

"Go away!" Y/n snapped right after he had knocked but he didn't listen, opening the door to see her lying down on her bed with a book in her hands. "I said go away!"

"It's me Eddie."

"Especially you."

"Look, I'm sorry." He replied after closing the door behind him. Then he slowly made his way over to her bed, still worried she might throw a pillow at him or something. It wouldn't have been the first time and it definitely won't be the last. "For the other day in here."

"What ever would you be sorry for?" She tried to play dumb. Just thinking about what happened was humiliating and talking about it would be even worse but when she realised he saw right through her, she huffed in annoyance. "Why did you do it?"

"Well isn't it obvious?"

"Not really." Sitting up from her position, Y/n sat beside him on the edge of the bed. "Cause I really like you Eddie and I'm so confused."

"Your brother would kill us both."

"Does it look like I care what he thinks." She spat back, rolling her eyes at the thought of Theo ever controlling her life and who she loved.  "So I just need to know if you fe-"

She was cut off by the familiarity of his lips on hers and his hand cupping her cheeks. 

"Let's, not, tell my, brother, just yet." She said in between kisses as her arms made their way around his neck. When Eddie pulled away for air he placed one last kiss on her lips before agreeing with her.


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