Should I Stay or Should I go pt 2

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*"I know, I know and I wish it was easy but it's not."

"Ok, I'll do whatever you want." He replied, looking into her eyes, his guitar slung over his shoulder. "So you gotta let me know."

"Should I stay or should I go?"*

He had a glimpse of hope in his eyes. All he wanted was to hear her tell him to stay. He wanted to stay with her, not Jess. Not anyone else, just her. And he knew she felt the same, it's just like the rest of the world was against them. The rest of the world being Jess and Zack.

"I want you to stay more then anything in the world." She said, but he knew there was more to it. It wasn't that easy. "But you can't, this was risky enough."

"I know, I don't wanna push you to do anything sweetheart." He placed his hand on her cheek, rubbing circles with his thumb. Y/n leaned into his touch, smiling sadly at him. "I'll see you at school tomorrow."

He gave her a hug and kiss on the forehead before she moved aside so he could leave. Was it wrong that she already missed his presence and his touch. It should've been Zack that she missed but it wasn't. She'd completely forgotten about him till things began to escalate with Eddie. God, she was a bad person wasn't she. 


Y/n slumped down on the bench beside Zack, taking a bite into her sandwich. Eddie then joined them along with Jeff and Gareth. It was only yesterday when the thing between her and Eddie had occurred. The guilt was still eating her up from the inside. She felt guilty even more knowing that she liked it. Every second of yesterday with Eddie. 

"So how was band practice." Jess asked in annoyance as she sat down next to Eddie. "Better than going on a date?"

Y/n nearly choked on a piece of ham when Jess spoke. Shit the others didn't know about it. She was prepared for the worst, they were going to find out Eddie lied. Then they would probably piece everything together and both of them would be absolutely screwed. 

"Uhh." Gareth started but was interrupted by Eddie kicking his shoe, exchanging looks with him. "Uh, yeah band practice was great! You know, we really practiced!" 

Y/n finally felt like she could breath again. She quietly sighed in relief trying to make sure no one noticed. Both Jeff and Gareth had an idea of what was going on. And although it wasn't right, they would support their friends no matter what. So they weren't going to snitch about a thing. 

"Well that's good, I was thinking you and me can go out and do something special tonight." Zack said, grabbing her one hand, giving it a kiss before interlocking their fingers. "What do you say sweetheart."

His hand slowly slid up her leg, stopping as he rubbed her inner thigh. The pet name and touching didn't have nearly the same effect it had when Eddie was the one doing it. She wished it did, she wished Zack was the one who made her feel that way still. But he wasn't, it was the one person she couldn't have. 

Eddie saw them holding hands, he saw Zack glancing down at her lap where his other hand was. And it drove him nuts. He wanted nothing more then to punch him in the face and yell at him to get his hands off Y/n. But he couldn't because Zack was her boyfriend, not him. Instead he just clenched his jaw, looking away from them in hopes he would calm down. 

"Uh, yeah sure." Y/n replied, glancing at Eddie who was looking at another table in the distance. Quickly she turned to look back at Zack so he wouldn't suspect anything. Although he was too busy focusing on squeezing her thigh to notice. She wanted to imagine that it was Eddie doing it but it wasn't working so she removed his hand, getting up. "I'm just gonna go to the toilet."

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