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I know it's a bit early, but happy Valentine's Day! 🥳🥳

Great, it was probably the worst day of the year, Valentine's Day. The one day where everyone acted all sappy and cheesy. Buying each other gifts like chocolate and jewellery. Writing love letters to one another and sticking them in their locker or bag. 

Everywhere you look there's people holding hands, hugging or they've got their tongue down someone's throat. There's no way to escape it, no matter how hard you try. It sucked.

Maybe that was because Y/n had never had a valentine before. So she was probably jealous of everyone else who got to spend it with the one they loved the most. Although that would be a very good reason to hate the day. 

If just one person asked her, maybe she wouldn't be the grinch of Valentine's Day. Maybe her opinion would change and she'd instead love it. Or maybe she'd just say no and continue to despise all the gifts and PDA. Guess she'll never know.

"C'mon, don't be so gloomy, I'm sure someone will ask you." Liv said, trying to lift Y/n's spirit. She knew how much her best friend hated this day. After nearly ten years dealing with it, she was getting tired. Of course she felt pity on her, which is why she was always positive that someone would ask her. It hadn't happened yet, but she was sure someone would.

"I doubt that." Y/n replied, standing beside Liv in front of her locker.

"Watch out or I'll hit you." Liv warned, putting in the code before swinging the locker door open. Since Y/n had only taken a step back, she was still in line with the locker, meaning all the pink and red confetti flew out, getting her directly in the face. 

People around them who had witnessed it began to laugh, making Y/n's cheeks even redder. This had to have been one of the most embarrassing things, getting it all in her hair and on her face. Worst part about it, was the it wasn't even for her! It was for her best friend.

"Sorry about that Y/n." Jake apologised, coming up behind Liv before wrapping his arms around her waist. "I was expecting someone else to be standing there."

"Don't worry about it, you guys have fun." She gave the lovebirds a tight lipped smile before walking off through the busy halls. If she spent another second surrounded by couples, she'd crack. 

There was only one place that she knew wouldn't be filled with them. Well that's if the only other person who ever went there didn't have his own valentine. It was worth a shot, for some piece and quiet.

After leaving the school grounds, Y/n followed the dirt path that led further into the woods. She then arrived at her destination. A wooden table and two benches in the middle of the small grass field. Taking a breath of relief, she took a seat, swinging her legs over.

Other than the one pathway she followed, there were trees all around. Plus there was no one else here right now, so she'd gotten lucky. Maybe she would just stay here all day until Valentine's Day was over, that way she wouldn't have the need to puke 24/7.

Suddenly her attention was drawn behind her when she heard the sound of a twig snap. She quickly looked over a shoulder scared to find out who was behind her, but she immediately relaxed when realising who it was. 

"Didn't mean to startle you sweetheart." Eddie said, throwing his hands up in the air. He then sent her a smile before walking over to the bench to take a seat opposite her. "What you doing here alone?"

"I got sick of the lovey dovey shit." She answered honestly, resting her hands on her lap where her gaze had fallen to. "Like I hate this day so much, I wish I there was like a grinch, but specifically for today."

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