Prom Night

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TW: mentions of suicide 

"You know what I'm most excited for." Y/n said, breaking the comfortable silence her and Eddie had fallen into. She was lying down on his bed, her feet dangling over the edge while he scribbled random things on a piece of paper. 

"Lemme guess, Prom?" He replied, dropping the pencil on the ground before standing up to fall down beside her. Y/n rolled her eyes before shuffling around to face him. "C'mon you always talk about it so I wouldn't be surprised if that's what you're referring to."

"Whatever, but seriously I am." 

"What's so spectacular about prom anyways?" Eddie questioned, turning onto his side so they were both looking at each other. 

"Well, it's the one night all the girls get dolled up and wear their most amazing dresses." She went on explaining all the 'great' things about the night. It made him smile seeing her eyes light up when she talked about something she loved. Even if it was something he didn't find interesting. "Plus, then I can do my hair up and make myself look pretty."

Eddie's gaze remained on her but he had left reality. She didn't need a dress, or a ton of makeup to look beautiful, she already was. Even if she just showed up there with an oversized band t-shirt and her hair out she'd still be the most beautiful girl there. Any guy would be lucky enough to spend the night with her.

Prom wasn't his kind of scene. He'd rather go to the hideout and play with his band but if Y/n wanted to go, there's no doubt he'd escort her. As friends of course, it would be awkward if it were any differently. Part of him would want it to be more than going as friends but it wouldn't and he was perfectly fine with that. Just as long as another guy didn't have an excuse to put their hands all over her.

"Oh shit, I've gotta get home." Y/n cursed, jumping up off the bed before gathering her belongings and shoving them into her bag.

"I'll take you home." Eddie offered, grabbing his keys before following her out his room.

"No it's fine, it's not dark yet and you need to do your maths homework." She stuck her tongue out at him when he groaned in annoyance. The last thing he wanted to do was maths, he'd much rather get an excuse to spend a bit more time with her. "See you tomorrow Eds!"

"Goodbye sweetheart." After waving him goodbye she rushed down the steps, continuing down the street until she was out of his sight. That moment was engraved into his brain, never forgotten, along with many other memories, but mainly that day. Her last smile, her last laugh, her last everything before she disappeared.

"You're doing that thing again." Gareth said tapping the wooden table, ending Eddie's train of thoughts. "You know, where you zone out?"

"Sorry." He apologised, staring at the rings on his fingers before falling back into his previous state. His friend realised what was going on when a tear fell down Eddie's face and onto the table causing a spot of the wood to be darker than the rest. "I should get going, see you at school."

"Eddie, come on man, talk to me!" He heard Gareth yell behind him as he kept on walking to hide the tears streaming down his face.

 It had been a couple years since that day. When he said goodbye to his best friend not knowing that it would be the last time he saw her. For a while there was an investigation going on to find out any information about her disappearance but the police weren't successful. 

The only thing they found was Y/n's bracelet that Eddie made her in third grade lying on the ground near a cliff. Most people assumed she ended her own life but he didn't believe that. She might not have been very popular in high school but she never seemed bothered about it. If Y/n did feel that way, she would've told Eddie. Or at least he hoped she would've.

Either way, she was gone and he never stopped blaming himself. To this day he still told himself it wouldn't be this way if he drove her home. If he kept urging her to allow him to drop her off until she finally let him. Then she'd be safely at home that night and her going missing would never have occurred. It was all his fault.

On his way home he decided to take a longer path back. One that made him walk past Y/n's house and the supposed cliff that she was last at before she 'jumped'. It was like he'd been hit by a bus every time he passed her house. He told himself that he deserved feeling that way.

There it was in the distance, her house that he made so many memories inside and outside. All he could see was her running up those stairs after he walked her home or dropped her off. Even the memories from when they were little kids, running around the street by her front yard. 

He stood for a minute by the pathway that led up to her door. After everything happened he had only been inside the house a few times, the next night after her disappearance and when celebrating her birthday. Just being in there was painful so he couldn't imagine how her parents felt. Living in there everyday without seeing her contagious smile or hearing her beautiful voice.

When Eddie couldn't take it anymore he left, wiping his tears away. He went straight towards the cliffs so he would get home before night fall. As expected, it was just the same as every other afternoon. No sign of what happened, or any evidence of her. 

He didn't know what was worse. Knowing that she was definitely dead, but finally having some closure. Or having hope that she was still alive somewhere but not having any clue of what happened.

After giving up on looking for clues or anything that could help, he returned back to his trailer. Right now all he wanted to do was go to bed and forget about reality. What was even worse was that tomorrow night was a very special.

 The day Y/n was excited for since he could remember. The one she never stopped talking about and yet she didn't get to go. Prom night.

I'll probably make a pt two if you guys want and sorry it was a bit rushed 😊

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