The Other Woman

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She sat silently at the back of class, scribbling on her paper. Her head was resting on the palm of her free hand while she was gazing at the perfect boy in front of her. Most of the school didn't think that though. They always called him a freak, but he was far from that. Although maybe it was good that most girls weren't interested in him. That meant she had a better chance right?

Y/n was deep in her thoughts, admiring him which is why it took a few seconds to realise he had turned around to face her. A smirk was plastered on his face upon seeing her staring.

"Here's your pen." He said, ending her train of thoughts.

"Oh yeah, thanks." Grabbing her pen, his hand brushed hers, causing that fluttering feeling in her stomach that only he could cause, to return. He could so easily make her go from confident to a nervous wreck. Just by simply looking at her. She hated how someone could make her feel that way, to have so much control over her.

Soon after, her attention was then drawn to his rings, they were so detailed and suited him. Eddie noticed what she was looking at, so he slipped one of them off, handing it to her. He then turned back around, leaving her confused. Was it for her to keep? Or just to look at? Either way she was going to treasure every second with something that he owned. 

For the rest of the class she wore the ring, tracing every detail engraved into it. The ring gave her confidence she never had. After all the continuous flirting between them it wasn't enough for her, she was going to make the first move since he obviously wasn't going to.

Luckily for her she had sprayed some perfume on herself this morning. She actually borrowed it from her mom. Maybe he would notice. Or maybe how her hair was slightly curled to compliment her face. She did all of this to get his attention, for him to notice her as more than just a friend. 

Once the bell went, Y/n grabbed all her things and chased after Eddie. Calling his name until she eventually caught up with him. Suddenly the nerves took over and her palms became sweaty. She had no idea how to start the conversation or ask him to hangout. She had thought about doing it but she hadn't really thought about how she was going to. Which was kind of a dumb move because she would just make a fool of herself, in front of the hottest guy at her school

"Hi." She managed to breath out, fiddling with the ring he gave her.

"You look good wearing my ring." He gently grabbed her hand, lifting it up to his face. Immediately she froze, remembering that her hands were a bit sweaty but he didn't seem to mind. Instead he smiled knowing that his simple actions made her nervous.

"So I was wondering, do you maybe wanna hangout later?"

"Yeah sure." He answered, dropping her hand to check his watch.

"Really?" She didn't expect it to be so easy. Nevertheless she was the happiest person alive, the guy she'd been crushing on since fifth grade just said yes. "Well that's great, I'm free at 4?"

"Sounds like a plan." He answered, looking up ahead towards one of the lockers where Chrissy and some of her friends were chatting. 

"Cool, you know where I live." She tried to contain her excitement. This would be the best day ever. Even if it wasn't a proper 'date', she'd still be spending alone time with him for a couple hours. "Ok, bye, see you."

He didn't give her a verbal response, only slightly nodding his head before he walked off towards the cheerleader. She was too overjoyed to properly process why he suddenly got distracted nearing the end of their conversation. Not that it mattered anyway, she'd be seeing him later.


The second Y/n got home, she went straight for a shower. Then she got changed into her nicest outfit, spraying more perfume on herself so she'd smell nice. After doing her hair and then redoing it multiple times, she finally settled on leaving it out. She found that when it was loose, she looked her best. And that's what she wanted if something more was to happen between them. 

It was quarter to 4, and she was all ready, sitting down on her couch. Now all she had to do was wait for him. To keep her busy she looked at his ring again. Her attention was then drawn behind her to the staircase. She looked over her shoulder, seeing her dad entering the living room. 

"Hey sweetheart, what you all dressed up for."

"Me and Eddie are going out, well um, I don't know if it's an actual date, but you know what I mean." She blabbered on, causing her dad to laugh. 

"Alright kid, just don't get into any trouble, and always stay safe, use protection." He said, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Ew! What the hell dad!" Y/n cut in, her cheeks going red. There was no need for his cheeky remark. "You're disgusting, don't say anything stupid when he gets here, please."

"Got it."

It had been nearly half an hour since he was supposed to pick her up. Yet there was still no sign of him. Maybe he needed to quickly do something, or his van broke down and he needed to fix it. There was probably a reasonable explanation for why he was late. No need to worry. 

Again, another thirty minutes passed. Still Y/n tried to remain positive and hopeful, but it wasn't working as much anymore. All the possibly bad things that could've happened were running through her mind. What if he crashed and was in the hospital? What if he died? What if his uncle died? 

Or what if she just got stood up? If it was even a date in the first place.

Her eyes began to fill with tears thinking about those possibilities. Especially the last one, since it was the most realistic one. She had been stood up, there was no other explanation that made as much sense.

God she didn't know if she was more upset or more embarrassed. She'd have to see him again at school, knowing that he never showed up. Did she misinterpret his friendliness for flirting? Was he just being kind, afraid to let her down? 

Afraid her dad would see that she was still here, Y/n quickly got off the couch, heading for the door. She opened it and quietly shut it behind her, sitting down on the step, deciding to wait longer to see if he just was really late. 

It was after dark now, the only light given to her was the light posts along the quiet street. Getting up, she walked down the pathway where she began to walk down the empty road needing to clear her mind. 

As she made it further down the street, behind her she heard the sound of car approaching. Without hesitation she pulled up her hoodie, protecting her from the cool breeze, also making it useful to hide her face. A few seconds later the car passed her, coming to a stop by one of the houses across from her. Chrissy's house as she remembered.

She wasn't really paying any attention to whoever it was, instead she was too busy staring at the ground as she continued to walk. That was until she heard a familiar voice.

"Here we are, your destination sweetheart." He joked, holding the door of the van out for someone who happened to be Chrissy. 

So that's where he had been. With Chrissy Cunningham. The popular cheerleader that all the guys wanted. Including Eddie it seemed. 

How could she be so stupid. Of course that's where he had been. Why was she so surprised. It was obvious, Chrissy would always have his attention. There were many times that he would get distracted when Y/n was talking to him. Usually he'd be too busy staring at Chrissy. Most of the time she would just brush it off because she was hopelessly dumb. 

She kept watching as he gently grabbed her hand, giving it a kiss before walking her to the door. Y/n wanted nothing more then to drop down onto her knees and cry. She had liked him so much for so long and when she finally thought it could become more she was proven wrong. 

Why was she even trying, all she'd ever be was the other woman. 

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