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This one shot is quite a bit longer than usual, plus I'm a sucker for a bit of 'enemies to lovers' so enjoy!

Y/n had been with the band Corroded Coffin since 1988 which was now over eight years. For the first two years she was their manager, helping them fulfill their dreams and reach fame. Nearing the mark of two years with them, the band signed to a record label which was obviously a big success.

That same night, they had all gone out to celebrate at the nearest bar. Everyone ended up getting wasted, including Y/n. Let's just say, things got heated between her and a certain guitarist, ending up with them having a one night stand that they swore to never talk about again. Although it didn't go as planned. 

The very next day Y/n was informed that she no longer had her job which was devastating for both her and the band since they were like family. It was hard having to say goodbye to them, but luckily for her, that wasn't goodbye.

A few weeks later, she found out that she was pregnant after missing her period. To make matters worse, the father was none other than the same lead guitarist, Edward Munson. Better known as Eddie. 

She feared even the thought of breaking the news to him. The thing was, the two weren't exactly on best terms, in fact they never were. Over her time with Corroded Coffin, it was always a war between her and Eddie. They always found ways to insult each other or start an argument, even over the smallest of things. So having to coparent Ellie with him was hell. 

There was rarely a time where the two weren't at each other's throats, trying to murder one another. The rest of the band had to get used to it over the years and eventually they did. Like right in this moment.

Gareth was sitting on the couch watching something whilst Eddie and Y/n were arguing behind him. The others went out earlier so he was stuck with the two 'lovebirds', hoping he wouldn't be included into their antics. He hated when he had to choose a side because then he would be afraid the other would murder him in his sleep. They were insufferable

"You are so selfish!" Y/n yelled, poking her finger at Eddie's chest, her eyes boring into his. "Can you not bring home a girl for at least one night!"

When she had arrived at Eddie's place to pick Ellie up this morning, she 'bumped' into his special guest who was half dressed, walking around the place as if she was unaware that there was child staying there. 

It was disgusting and rude. What if the Ellie had heard or seen things that would scar her for life. Y/n didn't need that for her daughter and she thought Eddie would have at least a little common sense and self respect to realise the mistake. 

"You're overreacting! Ellie was fine, she was asleep the entire time."

"You are insufferable!" Y/n spat, removing her finger from his chest so she could cross her arms. To say she was frustrated, was the understatement of the year. "If you want to keep seeing Ellie then you better start cleaning up your act!"

"You know she's still my kid." He retorted, taking a step closer to Y/n when she stepped back in silence. "I'm still her dad."

"Then start acting like it." For a while they held intense eye contact which even Gareth could feel as he tried his best to ignore it and focus on the tv. Eventually it was too much for him so he decided to cut in and get them to take the arguing elsewhere. 

"Would you guys mind pissing off?" Gareth said, turning around to look at them.

"Shut up!" Both Eddie and Y/n yelled in response, causing the drummer to throw his hands up in surrender. The last thing he wanted was them coming after him next. When they riled each other up, the best idea was to stay as far away from them as possible. 

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