To Be With You

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She had no idea where else to go and who else to talk to. Y/n's boyfriend had just dumped her while she was hanging out at his house. He said that he wasn't in the right state of mind but she knew that it was bullshit. They had been together for over a year before today and he just threw it away like it was nothing. 

So here she was, ten o'clock at night, rocking up to Eddie's trailer with tears spilling down her face. She didn't even know if he'd be awake at this time but it was worth a shot. He was her best friend, he always had been so if someone would make her feel better, it was him. 

Hesitating for a second, she then forced herself to knock on the door. Immediately after she began overthinking, afraid that he would get annoyed at her for showing up so late at night. Hopefully he would understand though because if he didn't she wouldn't know who else to go to. 

"Can I help you?" He asked irritatingly, rubbing his eyes that were getting used to the light he turned on outside. Once his eyes properly opened his whole demeanour changed and his facial expression's softened after realising it was Y/n and she was in fact, crying. "Oh, Y/n, what's wrong?"

"Well uh, Tommy broke up with me." She managed to choke out through her uncontrollable tears. 

It didn't take long till Eddie pulled her inside, embracing her in a much needed hug. He rubbed her back comfortingly as she continued to cry into the crook of his neck. 

What was he supposed to say or do? His best friend that he was in love with was finally single, not with her shitty boyfriend anymore. Part of him was happy? Relieved? This meant that maybe he could have a chance in the future. Maybe she would finally realise he was everything she ever needed.

But the other part of him was angry because he had no idea who would ever want to rid themselves of someone as amazing as her. She was perfect, beautiful, funny, kind, loyal and every other great adjective you could describe someone with. Anyone who didn't think that was blind. 

"I'm so sorry Y/n, he didn't deserve you." 

"I don't, u-understand why." 

"Because he's stupid." He stated firmly, cupping her cheeks so she would look into his eyes. The last thing he wanted was for her to think her worth wasn't much. "C'mon let's get some rest."

Y/n nodded her head, some sobs still escaping her mouth. He gave her a sympathetic look before lifting her up by her thighs. She then wrapped her legs around his torso and her arms around his neck, nuzzling her head into his chest.

Eddie walked them both towards his room, giving Wayne a smile as they passed. His Uncle nodded in return knowing that his nephew had everything under control. He then switched the lights off and headed back to bed.

It brought a smile to Wayne's face, seeing how much his nephew cared for her and how gentle he was. He knew that Eddie loved her more than a friend, yet he still managed to be there for her when it came down to a breakup or something like this. 

"Try to get some sleep ok? We can do something tomorrow to make you feel better if you want?" Carefully, he set her down on his bed, climbing in beside her before pulling the blanket over them. 

"Thanks Eddie." 

"Goodnight sweetheart." He whispered, placing a kiss on her forehead head. Not long after she dozed off, leaving Eddie alone with his thoughts. 

She looked so peaceful when dreaming. He hoped that what she was dreaming of was better than reality. That she was with a great guy who treated her right, one that made her smile. Who knows, maybe he was even in her dream. For a little while, he gently ran his fingers through her hair, staring blankly at the roof until he dozed off.

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