You're Mine

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The bell for break had run a little over five minutes ago. Although Y/n had been held back so that she could finish her test before being allowed to go off to break. Once she was done, she wasted no time grabbing her bag and leaving out into the quiet hallway. 

She walked hastily towards the cafeteria, remembering how hungry she had become through that session. Too bad she didn't get that far before she was pulled into a empty classroom on the way. Her fight or flight senses kicked in until she realised who had grabbed her.

"Sweetheart. I missed you." Eddie whispered into her ear, attacking her neck with kisses immediately after. He moved his way along her jawline, connecting their lips a few seconds later. Y/n didn't want to cut things short but she was starving, they could continue this once school was over anyways. 

Placing one hand on his chest, she used it to her advantage to push him away. The second he couldn't feel his lips on hers, he started pouting, longing for her touch again. They barely ever got to spend time together at school because Y/n didn't want anyone knowing about their relationship. It obviously bruised Eddie's ego but he really like her, so if it had to be a secret, then a secret it would be. 

"I'm hungry, plus we might get caught." Y/n explained, giving him one last kiss on the lips. "Seriously, you've gotta be more careful next time."

"As you wish." He mocked her by bowing before signalling for her to leave first and then a couple minutes later he would too. When she was out of sight he decided it was fine to make his way to the cafeteria. 

Y/n and him were part of very different groups, therefore the likelihood of someone connecting the dots wasn't very high. But that still didn't mean they were in the clear. The last thing she wanted was not being cautious enough that someone caught them, then everything would be over. Gossip spread through the school like wildfire. 

When she entered the cafeteria, all Y/n's friends called her over to sit with them. As much as she'd rather sit with Eddie, she had no choice. She just wasn't ready to tell everyone yet, so until then, she would have to put up with her friends trying to play matchmakers for her.

"I overheard Jace talking about you again." Abbey whispered to Y/n, clearly finding herself amusing. "So when you gonna give him a chance?"

"Like I said, not in a million years." Y/n replied, grabbing out her lunch. The only thing she wanted to do right now was eat, not talk about boys. Plus, she was only interested in one guy and right now he was sitting across the cafeteria from her. That still didn't stop him from continuously stealing glances at her. It wasn't his fault he couldn't keep his eyes off her.

"Well speaking of the devil." Clair said, elbowing the two girls who were bickering. 

Y/n realised what her other friend was talking about when she spotted Jace approaching them. He had that stupid grin plastered on his face and his hair slicked to the side. Eddie was better in every way possible.

"Hey Y/n! You're looking good today." He complimented her, sitting down beside her after Abbey shuffled over. If he wasn't looking at her right now, Y/n would probably flip her friend off for moving over. She didn't want to talk to Jace right now and Eddie definitely wouldn't be very happy about how close they were. "I was wondering if you wanted to go out to the movies on Friday?" 

"I don't know, I'm busy." She answered, avoiding eye contact with him. 

"Alright, well when aren't you busy?" 

"I'll have to check." It was taking a lot of self control for her not to get up and yell at him to fuck off. Some people just couldn't take a hint, especially Jace. She didn't need to look over at Eddie to know he was pissed. Pissed would've been an understatement. 

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