Not the Only One pt 2

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*"God! I know everything, I'm not dumb!"

"What." She scoffed, rolling her eyes at him. Right now she couldn't deal with all this. He had ruined his chance of being forgiven.

"I know I'm not the only one."*


"Yeah Sarah, she told me everything." 

Eddie stood there in shock, not knowing what to say or what to do. There was always a chance she would find out someday but he never actually expected it to happen. He always made sure to be careful. Plus him and Sarah weren't even serious, he only ever saw her when Y/n didn't have any time for him. When he needed someone to be there for him, someone to give him the attention he needed. 

It was really shitty, he knew. But that was all in the past so he couldn't change anything. And now she found out about all of it, everything was ruined. God, he was so angry at Sarah for telling Y/n. It wasn't her fault though, it was only his. She didn't know that he was already in a relationship and the second she did there was only one thing that needed to be done. 

He was mostly angry at himself. What was he thinking, all those times he left Y/n alone. All those times he was selfish. If only he remained faithful, with the only girl who cared about more then just having sex with him. She actually loved him and now he went off and destroyed it all. 

"Are you gonna say anything?" She said though all her tears. "Do you even care, do you regret it?!"

"Of course I do!" He yelled, grabbing at his hair strands. "I swear it never meant anything Y/n and it won't happen again." 

"You're right, it won't." 

Immediately he went silent, furrowing his eyebrows. What did she mean by that? Did that mean she was giving him a second chance or not. He wanted to know but was afraid of the answer being something else. 

"Maybe I'm just not good enough." She scoffed, shrugging her shoulders. That the reason he had been cheating right? If she had cared more for him and less for her work, things would be perfectly fine and they wouldn't be in this situation. He would still only be hers. 

"No that's not it!" He argued, taking a step closer to her. If it wasn't because she wasn't good enough, then why did he cheat in the first place it made absolutely no sense. "Please sweetheart, can we stop yelling and just talk this out?"

Right now, more then anything, he wanted her to fall into his arms. He would do anything to make it up to her. So that he could hold her again, kiss her again.  

"Don't, call me that or any other pet names." She demanded, shaking her head in disappointment. "And talk what out? You were out cheating while I was working my ass off! It couldn't get any simpler."

He kept begging her to hear him out so that what they had wasn't over. But Y/n wasn't buying it, what's to stop him from doing it again when she was head high in work. As people would say. 'Once a cheater, always a cheater'. She really didn't want to believe the saying, but she couldn't afford to be hurt like that again. It was painful so she had no idea how she would cope if it happened twice.

"God! I wanna slap you so hard now!" 

"Then do it." He answered, looking into her eyes. There was no point in stopping her, he deserved to be slapped. Heck punched, over and over again. He probably would hurt himself if he didn't have brain cells to stop him. Just anyway for him to inflict pain. 

At first she stared in confusion. Did he really just allow it? That was a first time someone ever agreed and said yes to something like that. Nevertheless, she wasn't going to waste this chance. 

Without a warning, her hand collided with his cheek, causing him to flinch a bit to the side. It left a red mark and a small stinging sensation. He rubbed his cheek, kind of shocked she actually slapped him. 

"I'm really sorry I didn't give you what you wanted Eddie." She apologised, smiling sadly at him. Was she really strong enough to do this? To say goodbye and leave him for good? Or was she going to come running back again someday when she realised she needed him. "Just pack my things that I keep here and I'll collect them outside tomorrow."

" Y/n please l-"

"There's nothing you can say that will change my mind." she cut him off, grabbing her bag, heading to the front door. 

Yup, this was really happening after two years. Two great years. But they were so young, there would be plenty of other people. Maybe Eddie would find someone perfect for him. Someone that wasn't her. 

He followed her to the door, giving up on trying to stop her. She wasn't going to change her mind, It was Y/n for gods sake. Quickly waving goodbye for the last time, she walked off, leaving him there on the steps alone, no sign of her turning back. 

"I'm so sorry." He whispered one last time to himself as he went back inside, closing the door. What was he supposed to do now? If only he could turn back the time and prevent all of this. She may have not been the only one, but she was the only one he needed and truly loved.

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