If Only They Knew

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"Y/n, you coming to the shops with us?" 

She was about to answer till her attention was drawn up ahead. It was Eddie, struggling to bring everything for the DnD campaign into the room next to him.

"Uh I'll catch up with you guys in a bit, if you are." They nodded their heads, walking out the school without her.

Y/n and Eddie were best friends, practically inseparable, who did everything together. Key-word, 'were'. A couple years ago when they got to high school he started to be more distant. Whenever she questioned why, Eddie would just dodge it and then do the same over and over again. It was only this year that they pretty much drifted apart from one another. Only glances across the hall was exchanged between them. It broke her heart but she didn't know what to do if he never talked to her anymore. All she wanted was her best friend, her other half back.

"Do you need some help?" She asked, but it was more of a rhetorical question as she picked up the other box. He continues to bring it into the other room, starting to set up. Of course he was ignoring her, it was so predictable. "You can't avoid me forever."

"I'm not." Eddie replied, looking down, to prevent making eye contact with her. "Now, if you don't mind I have a game to get ready for." He was just proving her right every time.

"What happened to us?" She asked sadly, trying to place her hand on his shoulder. He relaxed at her touch but couldn't let his guard down. Hesitantly, Eddie pushed it off, putting distance between them.

"You're better off without me Y/n, imagine what people would think if you hung out with a freak like me." How could he talk about himself like that. He was so much more than a freak, if only she could show him that.

"I don't care about other people."

"Well then, why do you care about me?" He already knew the answer, it wouldn't change all of a sudden.

"Because you're my best friend, and because, I love you Eddie! More than anyone else." She never knew how to tell him, in fear of ruining their friendship. The fact he used to never care what others thought and was always being himself, was refreshing unlike most others. It was one of the many things that drew her to him.

"That's great." He said emotionless, keeping his gaze on the table. She had no idea how much it pained him, to pretend he didn't care at all, to push her away like she meant nothing. 

She scoffed, her eyes becoming teary, threatening to spill at any second. "I told you I loved you, and all you can say is, that's great?" He was reluctant to answer, breaking her heart even more. It was already shattered, but somehow it seemed to ache more than before. How could he toss her away so easily, everything that they went through together, did it mean nothing? Guess high school really changes a person. 

"I mean, what did you want me to say? That I love you as well?" 

"You know, you're being really mean right now Eddie, how can you play with someone's heart like that?" She cried, tears spilling down her face as she spun around, rushing out the room and out the school. Afterwards she called her mom to pick her up, definitely not in the mood to meet up with her friends at the shops. Now she had lost her childhood best friend for good, and she didn't even know why. Was she not good enough for him? Did he not think he was good enough for her? Because that was complete bullshit.

1984 End of school year, graduation 

For the rest of high school they didn't talk, Y/n ignored his existence after having her heart broken by him. She tried to convince herself she hated Eddie and was in fact better off without him like he had said. Although it hadn't always worked, there were still times where she missed him, wanted to be around him, but it wouldn't happen. 

That was the last thing that was on her mind though, today was the day she graduated, leaving school behind as well as Hawkins. After the ceremony, everyone was chatting together since this would be one of the last times some people would see each other. Twelve years of school, and now it was over, Y/n had no idea whether to be relieved or sad, maybe both. It was going to be difficult to leave her friends behind, but she wanted to. This town had always been strange, disappearances, murders and tales of how this place was cursed.Plus nothing was holding her back or more, nobody.

For around ten minutes she was talking with some of her friends, laughing about old memories, until someone in the crowd grabbed her attention. Excusing herself, she made her way towards them. They then met her halfway, smiling at her, but a hint of sadness in their eyes showed.

"Eddie, hey." He removed his one hand from his pocket, quickly waving at her. It was a shame that he hadn't graduated this year and she felt terrible for him. "I'm really sorry Eddie, I know how much you wanted to get out of here."

"It's fine Y/n, but hey, look at you." He replied, doing jazz hands then pointing to her. For a few seconds they stared at each other in an awkward silence, thinking of what to say next. "So um, what are you planning on doing now?" She had no idea how to tell him, tell him that she was leaving. He could see she was nervous, fiddling with her fingers.

"I'm, um moving, to New York." There she said it, his smile vanished but he tried to hide it, wanting to seem happy for her. Eddie knew how badly he had messed up, and now he was going to lose the one person he truly cared for. The one that was there for him throughout everything. 

"Yeah, I think it would be good to experience something different, and nothings really holding me back here." Deep down she wanted him to say something. Nothing anyone else could say would change her mind. Well except him. One word, and she would throw it all away, to stay here. Here, with Eddie. Her hopes were then crushed.

"Yeah, I think, that's, that's something yo-you should do." He stuttered. In the distance she could see her mom and dad waiting for her, and they had plans for dinner to celebrate. Y/n was considering inviting him as well, but she felt it would only make him sadder. 

"I've got to go, it was nice talking." This was it wasn't it? Their last goodbye, at least for now, hopefully it was just a see you later. "Graduate next year, for me Eddie? Then go be a rockstar like you always wanted." Without thinking, he pulled her in for a hug, not wanting to ever let go again, but he had to and did. Then that was it, she walked off to her family leaving him behind in the dust. If only he had said something to stop her, but he wanted Y/n to chase her dreams and not be held back by him. 

If only they knew.

Ok, ok so there will be a part 2 but I'm deciding what ending to do, a sad one or happyish one maybe both I'll see!!

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