Now Zack Knows

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This is like a long awaited part 3 to should I stay or should I go, but some inspiration from another song. Enjoy. 😊 

"What did you tell Zack?" Eddie asked out of breath after finally removing his lips from Y/n's for air. 

"I was going shopping, but he's probably suspicious because it's been three hours."

"I know, I'm irresistible sweetheart." He joked, moving down to kiss her bare chest causing her to giggle. Although he wasn't entirely wrong. When she should've been hanging out with her boyfriend she was too busy getting ready for round three with Eddie. 

Ever since that phone call where Zack was clueless that it wasn't just the two of them. That Eddie was with Y/n the whole time being the reason why she had canceled their plans. 

She was going to break up with him afterwards since the connection between them just obviously wasn't there anymore. Eddie on the other hand had different plans. He wanted her to stay with Zack while they went behind his back so that he could see the look on her boyfriends face when he finally found out. 

Part of her felt guilty for playing him like that but then most of her wanted to go along with the plan. It wasn't like Zack was completely loyal either. There were many times that he was a cheating dick, like when he got so wasted that he had no control over what he did. He always apologised saying that he truly loved Y/n and she always forgave him. So now this was just like a little payback, right? But with a prize at the end, Eddie.

"I guess you really are." She pulled him back up by his necklace so their lips reconnected, her one hand resting on his chest while the other one wrapped around his neck. His hand then traveled up her arm to her bra strap, getting ready to remove it until the Motley Crüe song that was being blasted up the front of the van suddenly stopped. 

"What the fuck." Eddie cursed, rolling over beside Y/n before sitting up. He struggled to put his pants back on, looking back at her for a second before kissing her on the lips. "What is with everyone interrupting us."

"Eddie you lonely fucker!" Someone yelled from outside the van, banging loudly on the door right after. Both of them immediately recognised who it was. 

"Shit! Hide over there!" 

Without wasting another second she grabbed the blankets and pillows, struggling over to the far corner. She then covered herself with the sheets. If this was in a different situation, Eddie would have found it hilarious watching a practically naked Y/n in distress. When she was hidden he yanked the door open, revealing the person who rudely interrupted them.

"Can I help you?" 

"Yeah you can, have you seen Y/n?" Zack questioned, trying to peek over his shoulder. "It smells like weed and sweat, what the hell are you doing?"

"Just the usual like jerking off." He answered, jumping out the van before sliding the door behind him shut. Would hate for him to see his own, almost naked girlfriend lying inside.

"To what?"

"Your girlfriend." There was no hesitation when he replied. While Eddie found himself amusing, Zack didn't. He was disgusted to say the least. You don't want to think about one of your friends masturbating to your own girlfriend. 

"God, you're disgusting Eds, there's such things as boundaries you know." Rolling his eyes and fake gagging, he took a step backwards. "I'm gonna go now, you've grossed me out enough for one day."

"Fucking finally." Eddie quickly ran to the front of the van, leaning through the window to turn the music back up. Then he rushed back to the sliding door, getting in to find Y/n getting changed. "Where you going?"

"I remembered I gotta pick up some things at the store for my mom." She explained, grabbing all her stuff that was laying around. Once everything was safely with her, she gave him a kiss, apologising multiple times. She didn't want to leave but she had to. Plus Zack would start getting really worried if she didn't phone him or anything. "Can we tell him soon please Eds, I don't wanna hide us anymore."

"Of course sweetheart, means you're all mine then." He attacked her face with kisses before helping her out the van like the gentleman he was. Y/n then scanned the street to make sure that Zack was long gone. Once she knew it was safe, she said goodbye, walking down the street that led to her house.


Tapping the steering wheel in time with the song, Eddie turned onto the road that Zack lived at. During the drive there, he was brain storming all the possible ways he could tell him. He wanted it to be fucking hilarious so he could crack up about it when he told Y/n. As well as take a mental picture of the face the idiot would make once he realised what was going on.

Of course Eddie loved fucking with him, but he was happy that he'd finally get Y/n all to himself. No need to worry about being caught anymore because she'd be his and only his after this. 

Zack's car was parked in front of his house meaning he was home. Then the sound of the van stopping out front caught his attention. So the second Eddie stepped out the vehicle, he was met halfway up the driveway.

"You need something?" He sounded a bit irritated. Probably still annoyed about their last run in. "Y/n's coming over soon."

"Perfect, then you wouldn't mind giving this back to her." Eddie held up a black laced bra while a cocky smirk was plastered on his face. He knew exactly what he was doing. This definitely wasn't the nicest way to tell him, but hell was it entertaining. "She uh, must've left it the other night."

"Fuck you, you're not funny Eddie, who's is this?"

"Your girlfriend's." He stated, glancing at it then back up at Zack who was stunned. "You know what, never mind, I'll just give it back to her tonight." 

Eddie shoved the bra into the back pocket of his jeans, winking at him before heading back to his van. It would take a couple minutes for Zack to comprehend what just happened, but he didn't want to stick around for it. He then got in, playing the music again and waving as he drove off.

Smirking victoriously, he planned to go straight to Y/n's place to tell her the news. It was done and dusted, he didn't have to worry about it anymore. Cause now Zack knows.

This was kinda eh, I didn't know what to write, but I needed to write something. Plus I'm like slowly, slowly running out of ideas, so if you have any requests feel free to let me know 😭😭

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