I Need You pt 2

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*"I'm so sorry Eddie, for everything, I love you and I don't know why I said no!" She cried, holding onto him tightly.

"Hey, hey it's ok."

"No it's really not." Cupping his cheeks she smiled through her tears. "But now I know I need you."*

"Ok fine, but only so you don't get into anymore trouble." He sighed in defeat, checking the hallway one last time before stepping into her apartment. Locking the door, he slipped his shoes off and followed Y/n into the kitchen. Instantly she went to the cupboard, lifting out a bottle of whiskey. Eddie saw and rushed over, snatching it out from her hand. She was already very drunk and didn't need to drink anymore. The hangover would be bad enough tomorrow morning, why make it any worse?

"No, no that's enough sweetheart." He chuckled, holding it up above her head so she couldn't reach it. After a few seconds of her trying to jump up for it, she gave up, groaning in frustration. Why did he have to ruin the fun? "Go take a shower, you smell of alcohol."

"Don't tell me what to do." She retorted, crossing her arms. Her attitude soon changed when he glared at her. "It was a joke! Relax."

Stumbling forwards, she grabbed onto his shoulders as he held her up. It caused her to giggle at her clumsiness. God she was drunk. One minute she was crying and then next she was laughing her ass off. It worried him, what if she didn't mean what she said earlier. What if she didn't need him and it was just all the alcohol in her system speaking. He would feel so stupid. Either way, she did need him now so he would stay with her. Tomorrow morning they could figure things out and he would get his answer whether or not she did miss him. 

"Let's get you some clothes."

As they walked to her room Y/n nearly fell over multiple times again. There was no way she wouldn't kill herself in the shower so she would have to take it when she woke up again. For now she could just get a change of clothes to reduce the smell. 

Once they were inside, Y/n flopped down onto her bed, stretching herself out like a starfish. How she missed the comfortable blanket and pillows. She had only realised now how tired she was now. Before she could doze off, Eddie called her name, reminding her to get changed. That way she would be a little more relaxed. Chucking a shirt and pyjama shorts at her, he left her alone in the room, closing the door behind him. After struggling a while to get her shirt on, she layed back down on the bed, yelling for him.

"Is something wrong?"

"No." Eddie furrowed his eyebrows. If nothing was wrong then why did she call for him? "Can you stay with me please."

"Yeah of course, I'll be on the couch." He answered, smiling lovingly at her. Of course he shouldn't have been so kind and caring with her, she did break his heart. But that didn't change the fact that he still loved her and if he had a chance to get her back, he would take it.

"No, I mean like here with me." 

He knew what she meant now. As much as he wanted to say yes, to climb into the bed with her and cuddle her close, he couldn't. She was still drunk and he was yet to find out if everything she had been saying was more then drunken words and thoughts. 

"Y/n, you're drunk and I don't know if sober you would like that." He explained, frowning as he rubbed his chin. "God I wish you were sober."

There was no response so he guessed Y/n had dozed off. Walking over to her, he leaned down, gently placing a kiss on her forehead. For a couple seconds he admired her, she looked so peaceful and calm unlike a few minutes ago. He then quietly left the room, retreating to the couch. It was nearly three in the morning and he was completely exhausted. As long as Y/n was safe at home, he didn't care what the time was or how inconvenient her call was. 


Y/n finally woke up around the late morning, her head pounding and memory hazy. Patting her body nervously, she made sure she had her clothes on and everything seemed fine. Maybe nothing crazy happened last time. Dear god she hoped she hadn't done anything stupid. 

Slowly she sat up, rubbing her eyes before attempting to get up. She then went to the door faltering and nearly falling to her knees. How much did she drink? The second she left her room, the smell of bacon and eggs filled her nostrils. That's when she saw a very familiar curly head man in the kitchen dishing out some food onto her plate.


He looked up, smiling at her. This was it, whatever happened now determined everything. If she didn't remember anything he would leave it since she wouldn't have meant anything said earlier. And if she did remember, he'd hope that they could talk things out.

"Yeah, I uh just made something for you to help with the headache." He explained, placing a knife and fork by the plate. He then pushed it to the side of the counter closest to her. "Didn't burn it this time."

"You're not lying, it actually looks edible." She joked, sitting down on the stool. Digging into the bacon, she tried to remember anything. Eddie remained silent, allowing her to think. What she remembered was calling him, and him telling the guy to fuck off. "I don't know what I was thinking last night."

He tried to hide the frown on his face. Was she referring to their conversation, cause that meant he had gotten his hopes up. Why was it even a surprise? She rejected the most important question he could possibly ask her.

"Well, just had to make sure you were fine, but I can leave now. So you can freshen up."

"Wait, Eddie." She blurted out, dropping the fork as he was heading to the front door. Y/n knew she didn't deserve a second chance but that wasn't going to stop her. "I think we really should talk about this morning."

"Yeah, you're right."

"It's unfair of me and if you don't wanna see me ever again I understand." She blabbered on, playing with the hem of her shirt. 

"You know I could never feel that way about you Y/n." His answer brought a smile to her face. She said no to this man? "But I need to know now whether or not you want something serious."

"Of course I do, but you deserve better."

"Don't say that." He replied, walking over to her, placing his hand on her cheek. She leaned into his touch, placing her hand on his. "Let's try this again?"

"I'd love that."


It had been about a year since that day. They had spent all their time together, mending their relationship, taking things one step at a time to ensure they didn't make any of the same mistakes again. He only wanted her, so if that meant taking things slow, that's what would happen. 

Lately, Y/n had been hinting to him that she was ready to take that one step further. So he planned to take her on a date to the lake nearby where he would pop the big question. Hopefully this time she'd say yes, wouldn't want the same thing to occur two times. 

Y/n was down by the bank, dipping her hand into the water. This day had been perfect but any day with Eddie was. She was so lucky to get a second chance. He was just the best thing in her life. 

"Hey Eddie, come feel the water, it's perfect." 

"Is that so." He jogged down to her, reaching into his pocket. When she looked back at the water he got down onto one knee, holding the box tightly. She realised what was happening and turned to face him, tears gathering in her eyes. "Well uh, second times the charm, right sweetheart?"

"It seems so." 

"Will you marry me? Please say yes." 

"Yes!" She pulled him up, as he slipped the ring onto her finger. Immediately after he leaned in, capturing her lips. Never again would she let him go. Because she needed him.

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