Our Secret pt 3

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*"What are we gonna do with the body?" Eddie questioned, stepping over to her.

"We'll figure it out later, I missed you." She wrapped her arms around his neck, staring into his eyes.

"I did ask if you wanted to come."

"Yeah but I had to take care of some things." He should've known that when she declined his request it was because she was planning something. When she looked back from the girl, a smirk was planted on her face. God she only got hotter. Honestly, the psycho killer role really suited her and if anyone was a murderer he was glad it was her. "Remember, it's our secret."*

It had been a year since Eddie came back from the bar to find the lifeless girl in his apartment. They had kept their hands fairly clean since then, going one year without murdering someone else. 

There were times when Y/n was tempted, since other girls were always hitting on Eddie. Especially now that Corroded Coffin were an offical band going on tour and all those things. Including the groupies who would do anything to get into the guys pants. Not that Y/n blamed them, she could hardly keep her hands off Eddie herself.

Right now they had a few days to relax before their next concert. Although sometimes they played at small bars in their free time which is what they were doing.

Eddie was up at the front with the others, tuning some of their instruments. He kept glancing up from his guitar to check on Y/n and make sure was ok up at the back. When he knew that she was, he tapped on his mic getting ready to start the performance.

"What's a beautiful lady like you doing here all alone?" Someone asked, taking a seat on one of the barstools beside her before waving the bartender over.

"I'm not." Y/n gave him a tight lipped smile before drawing her attention back to her drink. The last thing she wanted was some drama and to get her hands dirty. Her and Eddie had a great streak going on. They even made a bet on who could go the longest without hurting or killing someone and she was not ready to lose. 

"Well where's your boyfriend?"

"He's up there actually." She spun around, pointing at the lead guitarist and singer of the band that was beginning to play. Eddie saw, sending her a wink in return which caused her to blush. 

"Well, let me buy you a drink." 

She lifted her drink, shaking it in front of his face to show she already had one. It seemed he couldn't take a hint as he kept on insisting. There was nothing more she wanted to do then punch him in his face. 

If she didn't Eddie would. Because it seemed that he too noticed the guy continuously flirting with his girlfriend. He tried his hardest to ignore it knowing that Y/n could handle herself. But the second the stranger touched her he couldn't contain himself. 

Immediately he stopped playing his guitar, handing it over to Jeff who seemed confused. He quickly whispered a sorry into the mic before jumping off the stage that was slightly higher than the floor the audience was standing on. Then he made his way through the crowd that were just as confused as the other band members. 

"I'm not interested ok?" Y/n explained, smacking the guys hand off her shoulder.

"C'mon, jus-"

"She said she's not interested asshole!" Eddie cut the other guy off, grabbing him by the collar harshly, lifting him up off his seat. The other guy was smaller and skinnier than Eddie yet he still didn't back off. 

"Get your hands off me." He spat in Eddie's face which pissed him even more. 

Without a warning Eddie let go of his collar, clenching his fist before swinging at the guy. He was sent to the ground, rubbing his cheek where he had just gotten punched. There were many gasps in the crowd which earned the attention of the barkeeper who broke up the two men so a proper fight didn't break out. 

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