Don't You Cry Tonight

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After high school, most relationships don't last. Everyone's going off on their own adventures. As much as they try to make things work, it just doesn't. And if it does, never let it go, because other people would kill to still be with their first real love. Y/n and Eddie would.

They tried, like really fucking tried, to stay together. For a while it was going fine, but as Eddie's band Corroded Coffin was becoming more popular, he had to travel to perform. Whereas Y/n couldn't. She wanted to stay and study. Long distance was difficult and rarely ever worked so it wasn't a surprise when it got tiring. 

Both of them had many serious conversations about it, and after a while they came to an agreement. It would be better if they ended things earlier than later. Obviously it was a tough decision, they still loved each other. Things would be nearly impossible for Y/n without waking up beside him in the morning.

To ensure they ended on a good note, Eddie had planned the perfect goodbye date. Today was going to be their last date as a couple, before they parted ways. They had already spent every second with each other for the last week, cuddling or going for walks. Now he was taking her out for dinner at one of their old favourite restaurants. After they would go for a drive to see the stars, then they would spend the night together.

Eddie was waiting in the lounge while Y/n put on some makeup. She had been crying non stop all day so her eyes were blood shot and her cheeks were tear stained. Didn't want to go to a restaurant looking like someone had just died.

He realised that she was taking longer than usual. He already had an idea of why. Walking over to their room, he knocked on the door.

"Sorry." She apologised when he opened the door. "I've had to redo my makeup five times."

He understood what she meant when he looked in the mirror. She had been crying again, smearing her mascara, that's why she had to start over again, multiple times. 

She quickly turned around, smiling sadly as she laughed at the sight. There was no point putting it on again if she was just going to cry it off again later. It would just waste the makeup.

"Don't worry you're beautiful without any on." He remarked, holding onto her shoulders while resting his chin on her head. "Even if you've been crying."

"You think so?"

"No doubt." He replied, placing a kiss on her forehead. She was always beautiful no matter what. It was a shame that they only had today left together. If he had a choice he'd never let her go, but that wasn't possible. They both had very different paths to take. Maybe one day they would be reunited again. But until then, they would have to put up with the pain and get through this.

Once she removed the smudged makeup she fixed her hair and threw on a coat so they were ready to go. Hopefully she didn't cry to much and draw any attention from other customers. It might make it seem like she was being held hostage and that wouldn't be a good way to end things. Well there was only one way to find out how things went.


"Wow, you only cried like three times." Eddie joked, wrapping his arms around her shoulder to pull her closer since it was getting quite cold.

"And you teared up four times." She retorted, smirking at him. He sighed defeatedly, looking down at the ground. Y/n noticed and lifted his head up by his chin. Then she saw that he was once again tearing up. 

"Nooo, please Eddie, if you cry I cry too." Y/n begged, stopping by the van, cupping his cheeks so that he would look at her. She then wiped a tear that began to fall down his face with her thumb. After she rested her forehead on his, gazing into his eyes. God they were so beautiful even when they were filled with pain. She was definitely going to miss looking into them everyday. Come to think of it, there were lots of things she'd miss about him. Like she said, him crying would make her cry. And it did, her eyes also began to tear up which caused her to chuckle. 

"I told you so."

Once they calmed down, Eddie helped her into the van before driving away from the restaurant. For a while they drove around town, past all the places they had once been to together. They had so many memories that they would carry around forever. Whenever things got tough they could just think back to them. 

Music was softly being played in the van. Y/n was leaning against the window, staring out at the lights in the street. Eddie glanced at her every now and then, making sure she wasn't crying. He then reached for her hand, interlocking their fingers. 

After a while they went back home since it was getting late. All Eddie wanted to do now was to hold her close to him. Y/n finished her quick shower, entering their bedroom. There were boxes in the corners full of Eddie's things ready for tomorrow. Navigating through them, Y/n got under the covers where she was met by a pair of arms wrapping around her to pull her in. 

Eddie kissed her on the forehead before resting his head by her chest, listening to her heartbeat. He could almost fall asleep, but he didn't want to. He wanted to stay awake as long as possible so it would feel longer. If he closed his eyes, he'd wake up tomorrow already, knowing he had to say goodbye to the most important person in his life. And that's the last thing he wanted. His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of sobbing. If these were their last moments together, he'd want it to be special. So that he could think back to the times they had

"Don't you cry tonight." He began to quietly sing, gently rubbing her arm to comfort her. "I still love you baby."

Y/n immediately recognised the song. It was one of her favourites from Guns N Roses. Eddie would always sing it to her when she was sad, but now the lyrics felt so real. Like she was living the song. She held onto him tighter, knowing that when she woke she'd have to say goodbye to him for good. 

"Don't you cry tonight, there's a heaven above you baby.

Don't you cry tonight."

I went to a Guns N Roses concert yesterday and it was the best 3hours of my life. And I loved don't cry so much, so you're welcome. This song really got me in the feels.

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