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@loon_maximoff thanks for the idea 😭

When you're a rockstar, it takes a lot of commitment and time. You've basically got to have nothing else going on in your life other than that. Therefore it's difficult to have anything holding you back, like a family or in this case, a kid. Especially when the other person who had responsibility over that child left.

Eddie made a stupid decision a few years ago. He went to a party one night, got wasted, had unprotected sex with a random chick. Then almost a year later, he found out just how lucky he was to happen to get her pregnant, yay! The girl only being around twenty obviously didn't want anything to do with a child and it didn't help that the dad was a famous rockstar who wouldn't have any time to be a parent.

So one day she tracked him down, had a nice long chat with him which resulted in her leaving her son there. As much as Eddie wanted to believe it wasn't true, it was and he couldn't do anything about it. He obviously wasn't going to abandon a child so he had no choice but to take care of him.

There was no doubt he wanted a kid, but he wanted it with the right person. Someone that he loved enough to put the time and effort into, to start a family. This was not how he expected it, but here he was four years later, taking care of his son.

Luckily Tommy grew to look more like like his father so Eddie didn't need to be reminded of the girl who left her own son at some 'strangers' house. For a while he was mad at both himself and her for being so reckless. They had brought a kid into this world that would have a difficult lifestyle to be raised in. 

Tommy wasn't old enough to go to school yet but in a couple of years he would be. Which meant he couldn't travel around with his dad all the time if he wanted a proper education, and at this point in time, Eddie didn't have a girlfriend or anything to help. 

Although he did always have babysitters. But it was tough to find ones that were available all the time considering how busy Eddie was. Plus it wasn't easy to find a good babysitter that Tommy actually liked. Or so he thought.

There was one babysitter in particular that both boys took a liking to. Y/n. She had been taking care of Tommy for over half a year now. Eddie let her stay at his house most of the time because she always needed to babysit when he was at band practice. 

Over the months he had gotten to know her. She was funny, kind and great with Tommy. Not to mention, she was stunning. Everything about her was amazing which is why it wasn't surprising when he found himself falling for her.

So he was happy when she joined them on his tour since she not only needed the money, but she also wanted to take care of Tommy. He was a difficult kid sometimes and she didn't want him in the hands of a babysitter who didn't actually care. In the end it worked out perfectly for everyone.

Eddie had finished his last show for the tour and was making his way back to the motel everyone was staying at. The entire concert he had been a bit worried about Y/n. Tommy had been much more moody lately and he didn't want it to scare her away. She was the closest thing to a mother Tommy had ever had.

When the rest of the band decided to hangout at a bar for a couple hours and celebrate their success he took a rain check. He would go out for a drink with them another time when they all went home but right now he his priority was to check up on his son. 

After parking his van, he made his way up the stairs to their room. He unlocked the door quietly to ensure he didn't wake Tommy up if he was sleeping. Then he slipped his shoes off before turning around the corner.

There lying on one of the beds was Y/n and Tommy, all cuddled up underneath the blanket. Tommy had his head resting on her chest while her arms were wrapped around him. The tv was still softly playing in the background. 

It warmed his heart, seeing them so close. This was a sight he could get used to more often, coming home to his son sound asleep in the arms of someone he trusted. 

For a few minutes he admired the two of them there. It was a miracle that she could get Tommy to sleep. When Eddie tried it never worked, the kid was always energetic, kind of like his father. But it wasn't helpful when they both needed some sleep. That's when Y/n came into play. Whatever she said, Tommy would listen and do. The kid really loved her.

He smiled to himself before taking a quick shower. Afterwards, he placed a kiss on Tommy's forehead, grabbed the remote and got into the other bed. Then the sleep soon took over once he turned the tv and lamp off.


It was the next morning and Y/n woke up with Tommy still in her embrace. Her memory of last night was still a bit foggy but it soon came back to her. Both of them had fallen asleep watching some cartoons. 

She carefully shuffled around in hopes of not waking the boy beside to check if Eddie had even made it back last night. If he had, he would've woken her up or something so that she could leave. To her relief, the bedsheets were messy on the other bed which meant someone had been sleeping there.

Just as she tried to get free from Tommy's embrace, the front door unlocked and Eddie walked in holding some donuts and cups of what was most likely coffee. He immediately smiled upon seeing Y/n awake.

"Good morning sweetheart, how'd you sleep?"

"Pretty good, why didn't you wake me up?" She asked, rubbing her head before fixing her hair. "I would've gone back to my room, I just fell asleep, sorry about that."

"You guys looked comfortable." He answered, placing the things he bought onto the countertop. "Got some donuts for the two of you and coffee for you since we've got a long trip home, I'm just gonna have a quick smoke."

She thanked him before he went back outside. Immediately after Tommy started to wake up and the second he saw the donuts he was off the bed and right beside Y/n. 

"Morning Tommy, want a donut?" He nodded happily, gently taking a chocolate covered one from her hands. They both sat down at the edge of the bed and Y/n turned the tv back onto a cartoon. He then leaned against her arm as he was still a bit tired. 

"Y/n, can you be my mommy?"

Tommy's question took her by surprise to say the least and left her speechless. Y/n loved the kid and there was no doubt she liked Eddie but it wasn't up to her. As much as she enjoyed being around them it was all up to his dad. But she was just a babysitter so the chances were low.

"You'll have to ask your dad." She eventually replied, giving him a quick kiss to the temple before returning her gaze back onto the tv. Right on queue Eddie came barging back into the room with a grin on his face. 

"Good morning kid!" Tommy ran over into Eddie's arms, who then lifted him into the air and covered his face with kisses. 

"Hey dad, can Y/n be my mommy, please?" Both Eddie and Y/n's cheeks instantly went red with embarrassment. It seemed Tommy was doing what they both had been too nervous to do.

"How about this, when we get home I'll take her out on a date and see how it goes." He explained glancing over at Y/n whose cheeks only grew redder. "We'll just have to find another babysitter."

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