Right by Your Side

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"You're such a gentleman." Y/n joked, climbing into Eddie's van after he opened the door for her. He then got in as well before leaving the parking lot.

They had gone on a little date to a cafe as a way to spend their Friday night. It was different for a change since they'd usually just hangout at Eddie's trailer or go for picnics at Lovers Lake. Not to say she didn't enjoy it. Anything was fun when she was doing it with him.

It was a shame her parents didn't like him. They said he was a bad influence who would only be the downfall of her. All his drugs and alcohol would be passed on to her and she'd become just like him. That's what they feared the most which is why they always tried to convince her to end things with him.

She obviously wasn't going to listen to them. They didn't know him like she did, they didn't know that he was no where near the things they described him to be. He never forced her to do the things that he did, in fact he begged her not to. To not get addicted to smoking or drinking because he didn't want anything to happen to her. 

It's one of the many things she loved about him and not even her parents could change that. They would just have to deal with her being around him all the time. Plus she was graduating very soon, they wouldn't be able to control her for much longer. Although that didn't mean she wasn't scared to break any rules set in place. Like curfews.

"Shit!" Y/n blurted out after checking his watch. "I'm gonna be late."

"Fuck I'm so sorry, I lost track of time." Eddie apologised, glancing over at her before slapping himself in frustration. The last thing he wanted was to get Y/n into more trouble and make her parents hate him even more. 

"Hey, hey it's ok. The curfew my dad set is bullshit anyways." She tried to reassure him, placing her hand onto his shoulder, rubbing it comfortingly. "It'll be fine."

As they got closer to her house the nerves really started to kick in. How was she supposed to deal with this. Her dad would use any excuse to get mad at her and blame Eddie for something. What was stopping him from using this against him.

"I'll see you tomorrow ok?" Y/n spoke, giving him a sad smile when he pulled up to her driveway. 

"Call me if you need anything sweetheart." 

"Will do." She pulled him for a quick kiss before hopping out his van. After unlocking the door she waved goodbye, walking into the house as quietly as possible. Just as she was about to head up the stairs the light flicked on and there her dad was, standing with his arms crossed.

"You're late, is that boy still there." He raised his voice, storming over to the window to look out at the driveway. "I told you he's only trouble, making you break rules, what's next, forcing you to do drugs."

"He does not and he won't!" She argued back, taking a step up onto the stairs to try and escape the argument that was about to begin. 

"Yes he is! He'll end up just like his father and then he'll drag you into his problems."

Y/n couldn't listen to him anymore so she continued up the stairs, ignoring his calls for her. She couldn't wait to get out of the house tomorrow and be away from her parents. And she definitely couldn't wait to graduate and leave with Eddie, then her parents couldn't try to ruin them.

The next day, Y/n hadn't called to tell Eddie not to come by, so he got into his van and drove off to her house again assuming it was safe. For a few minutes he waited by the driveway, still there was still no sign of her. It probably wasn't the smartest idea to get out but there was a possibility she was in trouble or needed help.

Walking over to the front door, he hesitated for a second before knocking. A few seconds later, it swung open, revealing a very angry dad. Eddie immediately froze when he realised Y/n's dad was gripping tightly onto a metal bat. One thing was for sure, he did not want to die today and that's exactly what would happen if he didn't run!

"Get the hell off my driveway!" He rushed outside the house, causing Eddie to stumble backwards in fear. "Get in your van and don't come back!"

All the commotion had gotten Y/n's attention and she soon came rushing out the door to see her dad threatening Eddie with a weapon. What the hell was he thinking chasing someone around with that, especially her boyfriend.

"Stop! What's wrong with you!" She cried, shoving past her father to stand in front of Eddie who was hurriedly digging through his pocket to find his keys. When he found them, he immediately got into the van not wanting to risk any injuries. "Are you crazy!"

"Go back inside Y/n, right now!" 

"And let you hurt him?"

"Y/n, it's fine, I'll see you at school." Eddie whispered turning the key in the ignition. 

"I'm coming with you." She ran around to the other side and got in which only angered her dad more. He was screaming at her to get out of the van while Eddie was telling her that it was ok and that she should just go back inside. "Please, I don't want to stay here."

Eddie didn't need to be told twice when her dad started coming closer with his bat ready to be swung. He didn't want his van to get any damage either and reversed as fast as he could, speeding down the street the second he was able to. The entire ride there was silent, Eddie was still trying to process what had gone down. Her dad was insane to say the least.

"Why did you come with me?!" 

"Why wouldn't I Eddie?" She replied, closing the trailer door behind her, turning around to see him pacing back and forth by the kitchen. "I love you, I don't wanna be around people who try to get in the way of that."

"That's your fucking family Y/n, I can't take you away from them. It's not fair." 

"You're not, it was my decision." 

"No, no, I can't give you everything they can!" He threw his hands up into the air, tugging at the strands of his hair. All of this put a lot of stress on him since he had no idea what her dad would do to him now. "Please for the love of god, just go home!"

"Why! I don't want to go back there!"

"I can't deal with this right now." Dropping his keys onto the counter, he went off towards the bathroom to take a shower. Luckily Wayne was out at work so he didn't have to hear all the arguing from the two. It also gave the, both time to cool off on their own.

While Eddie was taking his shower, Y/n went for a long walk to calm herself down otherwise she might have said something she didn't mean. After about half an hour she came back, walking into the trailer. There was no sign of Eddie anywhere which worried her. 

She slipped off her shoes by the front door, heading over to his room. As she got closer she could hear the sound of what seemed to be sobbing. Quietly opening the door, she saw Eddie curled up in a ball, lying on his bed. It broke her heart seeing him like this.

"Y/n?" He sat up against the headboard, wiping the tears that were falling down his cheek. "I-I thought you left me."

"I'm here Eddie." She ran over to his side, pulling him into a hug he really needed. As she rubbed his back, he cried into the crook of her neck, whispering 'I'm sorry' and 'please don't leave me'.  

After he had taken his shower, he looked for Y/n but she wasn't there. He immediately felt guilty for yelling at her and saying those things because he didn't want her to leave. If she did, he had no idea what he'd do with himself. She meant everything to him and he loved her, not even her dad could change that. Never again would he let her go.

"I won't leave you, I promise." What did he ever do to deserve someone like her. Someone that would stay by his side even when the people closest to her wanted nothing to do with him. "I'll always be right by your side."

Sorry for such a long wait, I've been so busy lately. Also I watched scream 6 yesterday and it was amazing. There were so many hotties 😍

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