Together Again

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There were only a few seconds left on the clock and it wasn't looking too good for the Tigers. Lucas had possession of the ball, everyone at the edge of their seats. Just before the buzzer went off, he released the ball, taking a shot and scoring to get them the win. The hall filled with roars and cheering, Lucas had just won them their championship game. 

They all picked him up, chanting his name with beaming smiles. Once it calmed down Y/n got up and rushed down onto the court where Lucas and his team were celebrating. When he spotted her, his smile grew bigger if it was even possible.

"Y/n! I'm so glad you came."

"Of course I did Lucas, after all the times I helped Steve babysit, I had too." She joked, pulling him in for a hug. "I couldn't miss this, you did amazing."

"Thanks Y/n you're the best." He replied before his friends called for him.

"Go celebrate with them, we can celebrate tomorrow or something." She reassured him, giving him one last hug and waving goodbye as she walked off. Luckily, the halls weren't that busy so it would be quicker to get to her destination. She kept walking till she saw Eddie's van outside and Eddie himself packing everything into it.

"There's the lady I was looking for." Eddie joyfully said, sliding the door shut, pulling her in for a hug and kiss. Helping her in, he ran back to the drivers side and hopped in, starting the car. They talked about both games while driving back to his place. After a little while the trailer park was just in view.

"How's those headaches going?" Eddie questioned worriedly, placing his one hand on hers.

"It's gone for now, but I'm still imagining things, like he's still watching me, following me." Eddie parked the car and turned to look at her.

"As long as you're with me, you're safe, I promise." She smiled half heartedly before he got out to open the door for her. Locking the car, he gently grabbed her hand, leading her to the front door and inside his trailer. They went into his room, Y/n sitting down on the edge of his bed while he hurried off to get snacks for them both.

"Won't be long sweetheart."

Y/n rummaged through his drawers for any shirts to wear. Picking out one she heard cluttering out in the kitchen. Knowing how clumsy Eddie was, she went to check up on him. She froze upon seeing a strange man in the kitchen, but not just any man. When he turned around she immediately recognised him. The very man she had always been afraid of after he terrorised her and her sister who ended up taking her life with the same gun in his hand. She couldn't do anything to save her sister Lily and now he was standing in front of her.

"Don't be scared Y/n." He spoke slowly walking towards her. Sprinting to the door. It was no use since it was all barricaded. There was nothing else she could do. Sliding down the door, she cuddled her knees tightly, hoping it was just a dream.

"It's time for you to join me Y/n, don't be afraid."

"Eddie!" She screamed, absolutely terrified at this monster that had his horrifying fingers, digging into her skin. What she didn't know, is that Eddie was right in front of her, trying his hardest to wake her up from her state. Never had he ever seen something like this before. Suddenly, she lifted up, floating mid air causing him to fall on his butt in terror. Having no idea what to do, he rushed out the trailer, into his van, driving somewhere, anywhere. 


They were in the air vents, in his room, everywhere. At any second they would barge in, attacking both Dustin and him, possibly crossing through the gate into Hawkins. Was this really it, it couldn't be. Dropping everything in his hands, Dustin grabbed a hold of the rope, pulling himself up as fast as he could. Once he safely landed on the mattress it was Eddie's turn. Just as he started climbing up he stopped. What about his friends who were stuck at Vecna's house, what if the bats escaped and killed everyone. Dustin, his uncle, Gareth, Jeff. He couldn't let anyone else die, he couldn't lose anyone else. Y/n was painful enough. Ever since that night, he hadn't been the same. Guilt, sadness, anger and much of the time, emptiness is all he ever felt. He had left the person he loved the most to die, and now he had to live without her. But maybe not, what were the chances he would actually survive all this, maybe he'd see her again, sooner than he thought.

Landing back down on the ground, he ignored Dustin's protests for him to stop. Grabbing his spear, he sliced the curtain in half, watching it come falling down onto the ground. Afterwards he pushed the mattress aside in hopes of preventing Dustin from following him.

"Eddie stop! Eddie please stop! Eddie what are you doing!"

"Buying more time." He answered, looking at Dustin one last time. Once he picked up his shield, he wasted no time, rushing out the door whilst banging his shield. Suddenly, all the bats came swarming out the trailer, their attention drawn to him. He lifted on of the bikes up and hurried onto it, pedalling further from them.

"Come get me you sons of bitches!"

For a little longer, he pedalled as fast as he could till some of the bats caught up, knocking him over. He hadn't given up just yet. Pulling himself up, he continued to limp away after hurting his leg.

"I ran away, I left her there. I left Y/n there."

"This is for you Y/n." 

Eddie stopped in his place, thinking of any good reason to keep running, but he couldn't think of anything. He was done running, this time he was going to fight till he died. They all circled around him, waiting to attack. He moved into a battle stance, holding his shield in front of him as they came flying. At first he was keeping them away, killing a couple strays. Until sadly, they got him to the ground, biting him and sucking the life out of him. After what seemed like hours, it went silent and they all fell to the ground.

"Eddie!?" Somebody yelled in the distance. It was Dustin and his expression changed the minute he saw Eddie laying on the ground lifeless. "Eddie!" Despite his twisted ankle, Dustin ran to him as fast as he could, falling onto his knees beside him.

"It's bad huh?"

"You're going to be fine Eddie, let's get you out of here." He sobbed, lifting him up to try and pull him. It wasn't long till they had to stop for a break. This was really it now, he'd done it. He didn't run this time, he got his redemption. Maybe Y/n would forgive him now. Y/n, that's right the girl he missed greatly. He'd get to see her now right? 

"I love you man." Eddie coughed out, smiling one last time at Dustin.

"I love you too." Slowly, his eyes began to close and the life in him was fading. He felt terrible leaving his friends and his uncle but at the same time, relieved. Then everything went black.


"Eddie, Eddie. Wake up!" Someone whispered in is ear, causing his eyes to flutter open. There he was met by a beautiful but very familiar face. Y/n. Was he dead? Or was this just a dream. "I missed you."

He was still in shock, what was happening? When he sat up they were right by Lovers lake on a picnic mat with food in front of him. He looked up at Y/n again, that face he missed, that he died for. 

"Am I-"

"I wouldn't call it that, I'd say we're at peace. We can have as many picnics as we want and not have to worry about everything." She interrupted, softly smiling at him. It was probably a lot to take in. At least they were together again.

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