Excluded pt 2

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Decided to write a second part cause, why not? Still always being excluded and that kinda stuff. Plus this girl that I considered one of my closest friends chose her boyfriend that she's been with for a couple months over me. It's not even worth it because he treats her like shit Oh well, enough ranting, it is what it is so enjoy. 

"Hey, Y/n, are you ok?" Mrs Adams asked worriedly, walking over to the her. "You've seemed more zoned out lately?"

"Yeah, just really tired." She lied, grabbing her books before holding them tightly against her chest. The teacher just smiled sadly, saying goodbye as Y/n left the classroom. 

Heading to her locker, she put her things away recklessly. Some books nearly fell out causing her to groan in frustration. Once they were balanced properly, she slammed her locker door shut, walking miserably to lunch. At least she finally got to eat considering how hungry she was.

When she arrived, there was no sign of Jess or any of them. Their usual table was empty but maybe they were just late. That's what she assumed until she spotted them all leaving through the other exit across the cafeteria. They were laughing about something which annoyed her. More than anything she wanted to be walking with them, in on the jokes. Although she probably wouldn't get it anyway. 'Inside jokes' was their excuse every time. 

There was no use in chasing after them now. Like she had told herself repeatedly, there was no point in wasting time on people who treated her like absolute shit. Like she meant nothing. Why was it so hard to include her?

Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of her belly grumbling. She almost forgot how hungry she was for a second. Scanning the cafeteria, she tried to decide where to sit. That's when she remembered Eddie's offer from the other day. 

The second her eyes landed on him, he waved her over with a bright smile on his face. She nodded slightly, pushing past everyone until she reached their table. 

"Make room for Y/n." Eddie demanded, waving his hand at Gareth who was sitting the closest to him. 

"Why's she sitting here now?" Gareth complained as he hesitantly shuffled over so Y/n could sit in between the two boys. 

"Because she's allowed dipshit!" Eddie spat, throwing an almond right at his forehead, snickering when he hit bullseye. Gareth just rolled his eyes, rubbing the spot where he was hit.

"If it's a problem I ca-"

"Never, sitting with you is an honour." He reassured her, resting his chin on the palm of his hand while admiring her. "Isn't that right guys?" 

"Right." Everyone agreed in unison, afraid that Eddie would threaten them for whatever reason. Then as if nothing happened, they all went on with their lunch having little side conversations.

"They're leaving you out again?" He already knew the answer, but he asked anyways wanting to know how she felt about it. 

Y/n nodded, giving him a tight lipped smile to pretend it wasn't bothering her. But he knew better than that and it was. It was also bothering him. "I'll kill them and their whole family for you, if you want?"

"Thanks Eddie, I'll keep that in mind." She let out a low chuckle that was music to his ears. Making her laugh or smile was the best feeling and god was it contagious. 

Although he wasn't entirely joking. Just thinking about them infuriated him, giving him the urge to snap something. In which he did.

"Hey! C'mon man that was my chopstick." Jeff cried, holding up the broken stick that Eddie snatched from him before returning it. He stared sadly at it, sighing in frustration as he resorted to eating the sushi with his hands. "This feels illegal."

"After band practice wanna hangout at my place?" Ignoring Jeff, Eddie turned back to Y/n in hopes she would say yes. 

"Yeah sure, I've got nothing else to do anyways."

"Great! I'll pick you up from your house." 

Y/n nodded in agreement, getting interrupted by Jeff who sat across from her. He asked her a question causing her to miss the mini celebration Eddie was having beside her. Only Gareth managed to catch a glimpse of it, sighing at his friends childishness. 

He wasn't surprised in the slightest, well aware of the feelings Eddie had for the girl. She was all he'd ever talk about. Whether it was about how beautiful she was or how he hated her friends for treating her the way they do. 


There was a knock on the door, startling Y/n for a second. Rushing over to the door, her face lit up upon seeing Eddie standing there with a single dandelion held up in between his fingers. 

"For the lady." He bowed after she accepted his generous gift, reaching for he hand so he could intertwine their fingers. They made their way to his van, Eddie opening the door for her. "Gotta make a quick stop at the video store if that's alright with you sweetheart?"

"I don't mind." 

"Ok, we won't be too long, promise."

Soon after, they arrived at their destination, parking near the front. Y/n decided to come in with him so she could look at some films to rent for the future. Immediately Eddie went to the front counter where Keith was busy typing something up. 

While she was looking through the horror section, the sound of laughter caught her attention. Peeking over the shelf in front of her, she saw her so called 'friends' huddled around the romance section. Wonder what they had planned without her this time.

No longer wanting to hang around the store, Y/n hurried off to Eddie hoping he'd be done by now. Sadly he wasn't, instead he was tapping the counter impatiently, waiting for Keith to return. She joined his side, her usual smile she had last time he saw her was now a frown. And before he could ask her what was wrong, his questions were soon answered.

"We're watching sixteen candles first!" Ava argued which seemed to piss Sarah off.

"Funny, a movie about being forgotten." Y/n whispered to herself, only loud enough for Eddie to hear. It broke his heart seeing her like this. The most amazing girl all upset because a group of idiots that didn't realise her worth. 

Keith eventually returned with Eddie's things, rolling his eyes after seeing the group behind them. "Here you go."

"Thanks." Eddie grabbed the things off him, wrapping his arm around Y/n's waist to lead her out the shop. "Let's go."

"Hey Y/n!" Jess said as they passed them. She looked hurt when all she got was a quick smile in return. What was she expecting? 

Once again they didn't bother inviting her to anything. And once again they acted like it was nothing. It must've been so easy to be them because if they were the one being excluded they'd be feeling the exact same. At least they didn't have to. Y/n played that part.

"I fucking hate them." Eddie spat, glancing back at the video store to see them slowly leaving the building. When he looked back Y/n had tears in her eyes, regardless on how hard she was trying to hold them back. "Hey, hey don't cry, they aren't worth it."

"I know Eddie, but they've been my best friends for years."

"So have I." He interjected, cupping her cheeks so she'd look into his eyes. "If it makes you feel any better, you're my favourite person, remember that."

"It does." She smiled through the tears, leaning into his touch as he wiped a tear away with his thumb. Pulling her in for a much needed hug, he placed a kiss on her temple. "I guess you're also my favourite person Eddie."

"Oh wow, thanks Y/n, I guess we can go back and watch a movie then." He replied sarcastically, opening the car door for her. 

Yeah. He had no idea how someone like her could ever be excluded

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