Living for the Both of Us

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As Y/n was walking around the playground, intrigued by a spotted bug crawling along her hand, she heard the sound of quiet sobs. Looking up from the ladybug, she saw a young boy around her age, sitting against a tree with his legs brought up to his chest. She immediately frowned, hating when others were upset. 

Quickly scanning the area, she focused her attention back on the boy who was crying. She walked over, taking a seat beside him while the ladybug made its way onto the palm of her hand. 

When he looked up she was able to take in all his features. His chocolate doe eyes that were now red and puffy and his tear stained cheeks. He wore a t-shirt of a newly formed band KISS and his  hair was buzzed. 

"Do you wanna hold my friend?" Y/n finally spoke, holding up her hand in front of his face. That's when he saw the little red bug. He looked at it then back up at her before lifting his own hand up where she helped the bug crawl onto it. The act instantly brought a smile onto his face which seemed to be contagious, as it spread onto hers. "I didn't know what to name it so I just chose Spot."

"Well Spot, I'm Eddie." He said, as the bug traveled back and forth on his hands. 

"Those boys are nasty, don't listen to them you're not a freak."It made him smile, knowing that not everyone thought so badly of him. If only other people wouldn't judge him before even getting to know who he was. Although, if the beautiful girl sitting next to him was the only one, then maybe it wouldn't be all that bad. "I'm Y/n, c'mon there's more ladybugs this way."

She jumped up, holding her hand out for him to grab. He hesitated for a second before accepting it. Then without a second thought, he followed her over to the grass the opposite side of the playground.

Suddenly he came to a halt about halfway there, causing Y/n to tilt her head in confusion. That's when she realised why. Standing near the playground were the three bullies of the grade, the exact same ones that always picked on Eddie.

"Look, the freak with no friends!" One of them yelled, clearly amused with themselves.

"Hey, don't worry, just ignore them, I'm your friend." She smiled at him, and that's when he knew he was going to be okay.


"You can't keep getting into fights Eds" Y/n complained, moving in between his legs as he sat on the kitchen countertop. It worried her every time something like this would happen.

"Well when they mentioned you I couldn't help it." He argued back, looking up at her with his famous puppy eyes. How the hell could she be mad at those beautiful eyes? At the same time she was mad at herself. He had a busted lip, bleeding nose and black eye, all because of her. "I'm sorry."

"It's fine, I just can't lose you to these bullies who never know when they've gone to far." She continued to blabber on, cleaning off the rest of the blood while avoiding eye contact. Being this close was normal for their friendship but now it was different. For some reason it made her so nervous.

Lifting his chin, she took one last good look at his face to make sure she had cleaned up everything. Eddie couldn't help but smirk at how close their faces were and Y/n noticed. It really wasn't helping considering how much of a mess she already was by this man doing simply, nothing.

"Done." She concurred, smiling at her success. Expecting him to hop off the countertop, she turned around to pack up the medical supplies but was pulled back by an arm wrapping around her waist. "Eddie, what are you doing?"

"I wasn't done admiring you." His one arm remained wrapped around her waist whilst his other hand tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. Slowly he began to lean in, stopping an inch away from her face to wait for permission. Y/n then placed her hand on his cheek, closing the gap between them. 

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