Bet pt 2

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*It was one of those stupid teen romance movies. The ones Y/n thought were so unbelievably bullshit. Now she was basically in one with no idea how to fix things with him. If only she never accepted that goddamn bet.*

Y/n had called her mom not long after he left, begging to get picked up. She didn't want to be stuck here at the party for any longer than necessary. All she wanted to do, was cry herself to sleep. Everything between her and Eddie was ruined because of how stupid she was.

"What happened?" Her mom questioned worriedly, glancing over to her before drawing her attention back on the road in front of them. "I thought Eddie was dropping you off."

"I don't wanna talk about it." 

"Alright." She didn't want to push Y/n into telling her when she obviously wasn't ready. "Just remember I'm always here if you need to talk to someone."

Y/n thanked her while she looked out the window. For the rest of the ride home they exchanged no more words. The music was being played softly in the background so it wasn't complete silence. It seemed this had been a rough night. 


"I saw Eddie rushing out the party yesterday." Gaby spoke, releasing Y/n from her daydreaming. In all truthfulness, she hadn't listened to a single word her friend had been saying since lunch started. Not until she heard Eddie's name escape Gaby's mouth. "Did you tell him?"

"Can we not talk about it!" Y/n replied harshly, dropping the fork onto her plate in frustration. She hated how her friends found other peoples pain amusing. How they thought all of this was some massive joke to them. Eddie didn't deserve any of this, the playing, the teasing. None of it.

He was an amazing guy with a great personality. Everything that her and her friends were not. They were all terrible people for what they did to others around them. Y/n had realised that now, she realised that the she needed to pick her act up and do better. The best way to do that was to make it up to Eddie. 

"You don't actually feel bad do you?" Summer cut in, letting out a low chuckle afterwards. Apparently Y/n was the only one who understood what they did was wrong. 

"God I need new friends." She mumbled under her breath, rolling her eyes which seemed to piss both Gaby and Summer off. Well, it was about time she dropped the two. They needed to grow up, and real fast. 

Grabbing her bag and lunch tray, Y/n stood up from her seat so she could leave. If she had to hear them make fun of an innocent person one more time, who knows what would happen. It was best that no one found out, otherwise someone was ending up with a black eye.

"What's that supposed to mean?" 

"That means, you guys can go fuck yourselves!" Y/n answered. At this point her voice had risen and a bunch of people around the cafeteria were now staring at them. They had all become interested in what was going on between the cheerleaders. It was very rare that they had arguments so when they did, everyone was intrigued. Who wouldn't be? "You guys are shitty, sad pieces of shit."

"Do you actually like that freak!?" 

That was the last straw for her. They needed to be put into their place because no one out of the friendship group genuinely liked them. Heck they probably didn't like Y/n either but at least she was self aware. 

"Fuck you!" She spat, swinging her fist right into Gaby's cheek sending her stumbling back. A bunch of cheers and shouts spread throughout the cafeteria. When the girl had processed what had happened, she placed her hand on the spot where she had just been punched. That was the last thing she had expected her 'friend' to do.

Y/n had just humiliated her in front of most of the school and she wouldn't take that lightly. She would have to pay for even thinking of doing something like that. 

"You fucking bitch!"


"I'm sorry about her acting up, a lots been going on lately." Y/n's mom explained, waving goodbye to the principal before leaving the office. 

Outside Y/n was sitting on one of the chairs, waiting nervously to hear what her mom had to say. She never was one for promoting violence but she hoped that it wouldn't be a harsh punishment. It was her way to stand up to bullies. Maybe not the best way, but at least she did something. 

"They're suspending you for five days." 

"Well at least I'm not being expelled."  Y/n joked, rubbing her neck as she waited to be yelled at. "I'm sorry."


It was the third day of her suspension and it had been three of the most boring days in history. Her mom didn't allow her to talk to anyone on the telephone and took away her tv. And her Walkman. She tried to argue about at least keeping her Walkman because music was everything. Sadly, her mom refused, so the three days had been more like hell. 

Today was a bit different though. After a while of pleading, Y/n's mom finally agreed to let her go see Eddie. She had an hour to talk to him and do whatever she needed to do, then she would pick her up. 

So here she was, outside Gareth's house where Eddie and the rest of the band had practice. They would've finished about fifteen minutes ago and were probably having some beers. It wasn't the best time to talk to him, but it would have to do.

Getting out of the car, she made her way over to the front door, hesitating before knocking. For a few seconds she stood outside, trying to think of what to say. She had one chance to try and fix things, there was no messing it up.

When the door swung open Eddie stood there, a beer in his one hand while the other one fixed his hair. His smile immediately disappeared upon seeing her face but she tried her hardest to not let him see that it affected her. He was the only one who had the right to be upset right now.

"Can we uh, please talk?" 

"I'm busy." He spat, looking back behind him when someone yelled his name. They were asking who it was. "No one important!"

Eddie stepped forward, out onto the steps and closed the door behind him. It was probably a terrible idea talking to her, he just hoped he didn't regret it afterwards. But then again, he couldn't just ignore her forever. He still had feelings for her, even if she played him. Yes, it sucked.

"You have five minutes."

"I know, I fucked up and I'm sorry." She started, fiddling with the hem of her shirt to try and calm herself down. "But I really do like you, heck maybe I love you."

"Don't play with me."

"I'm not." They stood there in silence, clueless what to say or what to do. The trust between them had been destroyed, beyond repair. Who's to say this wasn't another one of her sick tricks that her and her friends decided to pull. "Look I understand if you never wanna talk to me again, I just didn't want us to end on bad terms Eddie. I love you."

"I'm sorry Y/n, but I can't ever trust you like that again." Her heart shattered hearing him say that and tears threatened to fall down her face. He had every right to feel that way but part of her just wished that he didn't. She wanted everything to be solved so things could go back to normal. Unfortunately, it couldn't. 

"Don't be sorry." She chuckled through her tears, wiping them away. "I deserve it."

The bet was the reason why they were falling apart but it was also the reason why they were so close in the first place. She should've just told him straight away so maybe things would've been so much better. 

"I'm gonna go now. Thanks for listening to me Eddie." He didn't answer her, just gave her a sad smile. "I'm sorry again, about the bet."

Sorry it took a while but here you go 🫶🏼

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