22# OJ

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Request by @Sunbedo art by yumochiix on tumblr

❤︎︎ OKAY how did you this guy?

❤︎︎ He's a great cooker so he can cook anything you like.

❤︎︎ Tells everything about you to paper.

❤︎︎ If he sees you hangout he doesn't like (I just realize that he hates suitcase.) he'll killed them with poison.

❤︎︎ He'll stalk you from time to time.

❤︎︎ He gets mad if you don't hangout with you.

❤︎︎ "Wha- what do you mean you don't want hangout with me?! You're horrible, I let you in my hotel and this is how you repay me?!"

❤︎︎ Paper gets confused on why OJ is acting like this controlling, manipulative, and guilt tripping he remembers the time that he said he loves you so he went to ask you if you love him.

❤︎︎ If you said yes he'll say it to OJ if not he'll tell OJ that you don't love him and he can stop this.

If you do love him:

❤︎︎ He got so happy that you love him and you'll never leave you'll be together forever.

❤︎︎ Now he's jealous when you hangout with anyone and threaten them maybe even...kill them.

❤︎︎ Now you have to text him ever time he text you first but if you text first he'll text you back when he feels like it.

❤︎︎ He hits you sometimes but apologize and gives you food or plushies if you want.

❤︎︎ He likes dark humor sometimes so you make jokes to cheer him up.

❤︎︎ He asks for cuddles and if you don't want to cuddle he'll understand and wait til you're ready.

If you don't love him:

❤︎︎ He'll kidnapped you and tied you to his bed with all your friends dead body.

❤︎︎ If you cry/ scream/yell he'll put tape of your mouth and kiss your cheek and packs your back while rubbing it.

❤︎︎ He ✨ magically ✨ has angered issue but make dark humor jokes and he'll start laughing and let's you out (only for a few seconds.)

❤︎︎ If you escape he'll tell everyone that you stole his diary and ask them to find you.

❤︎︎ He looked at you with a sad face ever and grabs a box of tissue (yeah you're gonna see him crying for 4 hours.)

❤︎︎ If you loved him he'll buy you anything candy, toys, food,drinks, test tube science things literally everything just asked.

❤︎︎ He treat you much better and always hugged you when you're mad or sad.

❤︎︎ If not well good luck cause he's gonna cry for a while.

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