47# silver spoon

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Request by @Megumi_333 art by Premium-Bird-Seed on deviantart (Smut)

➤ At first he saw you as a peasant telling to do things for him but now that he's in love he treats you like a king/queen/royalty.

➤ Paintbrush was shock that he didn't treat you like a peasant and ask how could it be too bad they died the next day.

➤ He is over protective and keeps you away from everyone else he told you that he is protecting you but he just get jealous easily even if you're talking to your family member(s).

➤ If you get eliminated he'll blame your friend(s) saying if they weren't talking to them so much maybe you would stay a little longer (even if they didn't talk to you) and kills them.

➤ He doesn't have an opinion on the lgbtq besides them pushy by forcing others to support them but you're apart of the lgbtq he'll support you and even wear a shirt saying how much he supports you.

➤ Honestly how did you get this guy?! He literally only cares about himself and somehow you got him to act kind to you impossible.

➤ If you send him memes he'll laugh and say it's funny even if it doesn't make any sense he just wanna see you smile that's all.

➤ Yep he gonna kidnap but when you're alone and at night since everyone is tired from all the challenges.

➤ When you woke up you were in a very expensive room and silver spoon came in with Gordon Ramsay's food kissing you telling you everything and what happen.

➤ He treats you like you're the important person ever and let's you out of your ropes if you ask nicely and may even let you talk to your friends if you're that good.

➤ You can't escape he has cameras so don't try it unless you want to silver to break your legs/j.

➤ If you got hurt (in his house) he fix you up and kiss you where in hurts and cuddles you while watching a movie if you got hurt while you escape (which Idk how) he shames you for it and fix you up.

➤ If you tried manipulating him he'll do the same you can't beat him he is the master of manipulative.

➤ If you love him he'll be a blushing mess and takes you out to Red Lobster (because I head cannon that it's he's favorite.) and you won't order he orders for you.

➤ If you don't he understands he did kidnap you and take you away from your love ones but he'll only waits for two weeks after those weeks he yells at you saying you're taking too long to love him.

✨ SMUT ✨

➤ He's a switch but mostly a bottom.

➤ As a top he wanted you to call him king or master if you don't he slaps your ass.

➤ He loves it when you begged for him with your smutty face.

➤ He is new to this but he watch porn but not all the time.

➤ He talks to much while you're in pain maybe even begging him to slow down.

➤ He'll shaved down there just for you.

➤ He as a bottom I think you know that he is a brat.

➤ He always say that you're terrible at being the top but in reality he loves it when you top he just loves being the dominant one.

➤ He is LOUD you even told him to shut up once. (Maybe even twice)

➤ Aftercare he either A. Does everything for you or B. You do everything for him because he is your king and you have to do everything he says.

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