55# nickel

774 8 20

Request by @shinyreq art by iiFutureSketch on Devianart

➤ He didn't know how he fell in love with you it just happen but never admits it.

➤ Baseball tease him too much that he also ended him when told you that he has a crush on him.

➤ He helps you with challenges and if you mess up he'll do it for he says he just doing because he wants to win but he sees you trying but failing over and over and he just wants to help.

➤ He hates it when you talk to people unless it's your family members he gets jealous and killed and hides there body in the forest.

➤ He see you as an innocent even you yell at people at the time and murder people you're still innocent in his eyes and that's all that matters.

➤ If you got eliminated he gets e̶m̶o̶ upset and gets mad at others especially mephone he doesn't care about anything mephone was annoyed about and eliminate him but at least he can see you.

➤ Very touch starve tbh he just need affection from you if he doesn't get it he acts like a bratty child when they don't get the toy that they wanted.

➤ And yep he kidnaps with baseball he feels a little bit uncomfortable about it but anything for his best friend (also he turned e̶m̶o̶ upset that he lost his friend and wanted to help him because he miss him.)

➤ When you wake you saw nickel handing baseball some money and baseball walked away nickel walked up to you and kiss you on the cheek and ask if you wanted some food.

➤ He acts like he doesn't care for you but you could tell does.

➤ "Shut up (name) I don't love you you're weird." - Nickel

➤ "Then why did you kidnap away from everyone and so touch starve about my affection." - (Name)

➤ "..." - Nickel

➤ If you escape he'll find you easily and out of nowhere like you could running and looking around to see if he heard (which he did) and knocks you out with a branch.

➤ If you got hurt he won't see at first but when he does he gives some bandages and say there you go he can't really fix you because he has no arms and if you don't have any then it'll heal itself but if big or deep he'll try banging you.

➤ When you scream/yell/cry he just tape on your mouth and you'll stop what you're doing sooner or later.

➤ He is still touch starve even if you want him to have affection he'll threatened you then you give it him he is now happy well on the inside on the outside he looks mad.

➤ If you love him gets happy and you two cuddle while watching a movie and you two played games and vent but y'all got back to having fun.

➤ If you don't love him he gets upset and take out on your friends and kill them then comes back saying he killed someone who almost tried to kill your friends do you believe or not.

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