61# Ruby

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Request by @Dovelymeko art by shrubbyfrog on twitter

Shit not again.

Ruby killed a another one out of jealousy she already buried a lot and she almost got caught she had to do something to the body.

Then a lightbulb clicked she just to the body into something sweet like cupcakes but she has to use your oven for it and other baking stuff.

She put the body under the bed and ran to go get the supplies you said yes but for the oven you got her easy bake so she won't do anything dangerous (bro I remember burning my hand with that thing 😭✋🏽.)

It took a lot of work but she finally did it she got all of organs in the cupcake yes there was blood on her she's still questioning what to do with the rest she sighed and cut the rest of body and make into a cake.

After she was done she still had the bones "ehh I'll just say it's for Halloween." She throw the bones in her closet and left to take a shower.

After she took her shower she wrap herself in a hotel and left but she heard a noise she quickly grabbed her knife and went downstairs but she realizes it was just you she drop her knife watching you eat that cupcake.

"Mhm oh sorry Ruby it's just that this cupcake is good." You reply biting it again she was shock but happy "oh course here try some cake." She grabbed a knife and cut a slice.

"Btw why do have a knife in your hand?" You ask she completely forgot the knife she had "oh sorry it's just that I have to protect myself." She give you a slice of the cake then went back to pick her knife.

You took a bite and it was delicious Ruby smiled as she sliced a another one "here have a another." She suggested you told it and eat fast she couldn't help but smile at what she did.

After a few she kept baking sweets out the objects and give them to you she always smile creepy when you take a bite.

One day you sat on ground with taco "hey don't you think it's weird that every time someone been missing Ruby has something for you to eat." You never really thought about that "I mean one person is gone then poof Ruby has cookies." You finally realize that Ruby was feeding you dead objects.

You called the cops on her they said that they'll be there in 5 minutes you went to confront her about her "cupcakes."

You went inside her house "oh hello (name)! How are you?" She ask you didn't felt for it "I know what you did to the others." You shouted.

Ruby couldn't speak she had to think a way to make you believe her but the police came in and arrest Ruby "don't worry love I'll you soon." Mumbled under her breath.

You didn't really act normal after you felt uncomfortable when someone cooks for you especially your girlfriend taco.

She always make sure you eat but you just push the food away she always tried to make you but you just eat some and play with or throw it in trash when you're "not hungry."

Pin tried to get you to bake or eat stuff but you couldn't after what Ruby did leafy told you that Ruby was in jail for 4 years but you still uncomfortable.

Every time you even think about sweets you felt like throwing up how could be so stupid? Not asking what's inside and you often have nightmares and blame yourself for trying her "cupcake."

Then one night taco grabbed your hand kissing them "remember if you need me to sleep with I will." You shake your head no she nod and left the room turn off the lights and headed to her room you close your eyes trying to have a good dream.

After a few minutes you heard screaming you got up and went downstairs with a flashlight on your phone when you went downstairs you saw Ruby holding a pole while taco over and over.

You couldn't move you saw your dead girlfriend and Ruby, soon she saw and looked at with with an innocent smile.

"Hello love."

Before you could anything Ruby then hit with you with a pole dropping your phone she both of your legs now you can't do anything but scream (you're armless) but Ruby give you glance that shut you up.

She smiled and dragged to the basement and well she well did damaged on your body.

After that you smile that you finally eat but you throw up but you push though it everyone ask if you were okay you nod and said yes thanks to ruby's punishment you finally acted "normal."

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