46# Trophy

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Request by @_Helloween_ art by clayton-dogoraffe on tumblr

➤ You were an introvert and a kinda awkward and avoid people cause you didn't know how to start or end a conversation until trophy came into your life.

➤ He told you that you can't sit around and do nothing but when he saw you he blush and immediately apologize for what he said you forgive him he took your hand and take you to your team.

➤ He is ver protective and acts like a brother half the time and raps his arm around your waist when he's protective you from a bully or he just feels like doing it.

➤ He tease you often you're shorter then him? TEASE! You fail at something! TEASE! You have a crush on someone gone and TEASE!

➤ If you have drawings you never shared to anyone he laughs but not in a mean way he just really love to tease.

➤ If you got eliminate he literally start cussing at mephone and others saying that they have vote the wrong person because you're smart, beautiful, kind, helpful (don't fight on this take the freaking complement.)

➤ If someone made you upset or tease you (only he can tease you) he'll punch them in the face and walk off with you he doesn't care if he gets eliminate.

➤ He would kidnap you but you would be asleep so you don't he kidnap you at first even if you're a light sleeper.

➤ When you woke trophy snap his fingers telling you to wake up he have an annoyed look saying finally you woke I thought you died for a second.

➤ He doesn't tell you anything even if you begged or you're the most calmest person ever he still doesn't say anything he just walks away hoping that you stopped asking the same.

➤ He gotta treat you like a peasant but a little bit royalty if you're good but he will spit on you if you're pretending to nice he was born at night not last night just to let you know.

➤ If you escape it will take him 10 minutes to find you he takes this very serious so when he looks for you like he's slenderman or something and knocks you out with his hands if he found you.

➤ If you got hurt he mocks you saying how stupid you are for escaping he does carry you but makes a lot of annoyed sighs.

➤ He punish you by beating you up and noting feeding you for 3 days but after those days he'll come back with biggest food ever since you haven't eaten (like crab, lobster, octopus...)

➤ If you tried to manipulative him he'll probably slap you and told you to shut up and mumble something that you didn't understand.

➤ If you love him he'll smirk and say finally kissing you but he still won't let you go outside so tough cookies.

➤ If you don't he gets mad and yells at you and punch you in the stomach then walks away like nothing happen then he comes back apologize for what he did by telling you jokes.

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