25# donut

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Request by @MokaaaaHeartt art by Quinoahyphen on new grounds.

You always felt uncomfortable with donut he gives a weird look every time you look at him you decided to stop looking at him as long as you lived but somehow he made you look at him sometimes.

You were lost in your thoughts until gelatin came "hey (name) is everything okay?" He asked touching your shoulder you always thought of gelatin as a friend he's always there to vent and help things out.

You shake your head and became to talk  "It's just that donut always stares at me like a psychopath and I always feel uncomfortable." Gelatin nodded while you talking "I'll talk to him and see what I can do." He mumbled he was shock that donut could do that.

Gelatin tabbed donut on the shoulder, donut didn't look happy "what?!" He yelled gelatin flinch a little before speaking "(name) said that you give them a creepy look and I ask you kindly to stop." He suggested donut didn't say anything he just stare at him.

Gelatin got scared and ran away to lollipop and you "you alright gelly boy you look like you saw a ghost?" Lollipop ask a little concerned you know what happen you walked over donut but gelatin stop you "he didn't do anything he just stare at me confused like?" He questioned the last sentence you sighed and looked at him.

"Gelatin we have been friends for how long?" You questioned "long enough to know what you're talking about." Lollipop interrupted you give her a seriously dude glance and went to gelatin who look at you with puppy eyes "and I really like how you comfort anyone even if you don't like them and I wanna say I like you." You blush after confessing.

He smiled hugging you while crying "I like you too." He cried before wiping his tears "maybe we can get married and have kids like four kids! Yeah!" He chanted you giggled and pat his so did lollipop but she didn't patted his head.

Gelatin told everyone that you two are together and everyone was happy for the both of you expect for donut he hated it he wanted to hurt gelatin no, he wanted to him kill him.

But he acted like he like it he ship it but on the inside he could give rid of it he would "aren't you happy that gelatin and (name) are together?" Lefty exclaimed donut nod "well I've go I promise firey that I help him with Fnf see ya!" Lefty yelled while walking away.

"Bye." Donut grunted walking over gelatin who was walking to the forest.

Gelato was in the forest to explore he just finished watching Dora and wanted to be like her he grabbed a camera, a monkey plushie, a backpack, map and went off, donut was behind him and stabbed him in the shoulder.

Gelatin jumped back in pain "ow! Wha- donut what did you do that for?!" He yelled confused then donut stab him again and again and he stop and stare at his bloody body he wipe the blood and walk over to you.

You were talking to flower about helping her how to make more friends "so if you help everyone and act kind  maybe you'll make some friends understand?" You told her she understood walking off saying thank you "hey (name)." You look to see donut with that creepy smile you tried to get away but he stop.

"Woah woah I just finish killing gelatin don't make kill flower, or leafy, maybe even lollipop." You were shock he killed gelatin your boyfriend "no way are you crazy?!" You shouted at him he left really fast after.

You ran to tell everyone he's a killer until you step on lollipop's dead body with blood all over her face you started to cry "do you want to be together or see leafy maybe grassy dead body?" Donut ask you look at him and nodded in shame.

Now you two were dating everyone got confuse and even more confuse that gelatin is missing and lollipop died if only they know the truth.

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