51# Computer

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Request by @GeyLmwo art by the genius of pickle ii on tumblr.

➤ He was told that a new contestant was coming and he announced that to the others but he didn't know that you would that good looking.

➤ He often nice to you and give you answers but if ask him about or tease him he'll change into a tsundere saying that isn't anything like that but you have doubts.

➤ If you got eliminated he'll change the votes so you're in the least he doesn't care as long you're staying.

➤ Gets jealous easily so if you talk to someone he'll have a "chat" with them and then the object doesn't talk to you anymore.

➤ Don't confront him about why your friend is avoiding you he'll yell telling you how stupid you are and how they're just using you so they can win.

➤ After that he apologize for yelling and hugs saying that you have him and that's all you need.

➤ He gives snacks if you're hungry but he'll never cook because he'll burn his house down if he does that.

➤ He does kidnap you but when you're busy doing something like running to the finish line and he grabbed you and took you away and nobody question it.

➤ When you woke he has snacks in case you're hungry and if you are he'll feed it to you if not then he'll it in front of you (I hate it when someone eats in front of me and I'm not eating.)

➤ If you escape he'll make your escapism a challenge for the contestant and whoever finds you wins and they'll have all your favorite snacks.

➤ If you got hurt during your escape he blames the object who find you and they'll get eliminated and gives some ice cause he doesn't know how fix your bruise.

➤ If you scream/yell/cry he doesn't know what to do it's very awkward for him to comfort someone because he never had to comfort someone who is screaming/yelling/crying so he just buy some plushie snacks and cuddles hoping that it will help.

➤ If you love him he'll oh cool and untie you he let's you talk to others as long if you're gonna talk and hangout with him but more time then your friend.

➤ If you don't he'll be sad but understand he'll buy you some stuff so you feel more comfortable being and maybe finally fall in love with him.

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