60# Test tube

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Request by @Dovelymeko art by Renaartzu on Devianart
(Also thanks to @GeyLmwo helping me with the plot.)

"Come on!" You yelled running up the hill "hold on I'm not that fast as you." She giggles also running up.

You laughed before pushing her to the ground "hey! What did you that for?!" She yelled laughing before you could sit down you both were staring at the sky before you a puppy whimper.

"Woah what's that noise?" You quickly ran down the hill "wait (name)! There's rocks and logs down there be careful!" Test tube warned but you didn't listen you fell on a log and hit your head with a rock and fell into the water.

Test was speechless she ran into the water to catch she didn't care that her chemical stuff was gone all she wanted to do was look for you when she did she took back to the top of the hill "heh heh silly (name) sleeping in the water." She laughed.

Fan ran up to the hill that test tube and (name) were on "test tube what happen?!" He questioned but test tube fell on the hard ground.

Minutes later test tube worked up on the hospital bed "Ugh what happen?" She ask putting her hand on her head "you fell on the ground and what happen to (name)?!" Fan ask concern.

"I-(name) was running because they heard a puppy but they fell on a log and got hit by a rock and fell into water I tried to get them and when I did I passed out I think." Test tube answered the bright lights was around looking sad "is (name) okay?" Those words got lightbulb into tears paintbrush hold her tightly "they died."

Test tube was speechless she started to cry while he hugged herself she blamed herself wishing that she saved fan felt bad that he said that but he had to say it "and they died by drowning." Test tube cried harder.

At your funeral everyone was crying others tried to hide their emotions but at night everyone was partying because bowbot win inanimate insanity invitational everyone got pizza, cookies, ice cream, candy and everyone was so happy but test tube just sat in her room crying missing you fan got worried and went to check on her.

Fan knocked on the door and open the door "hey test tube are you okay?" He ask all he heard sniffing and whimpering he went in and sit next to her rubbing her back "hey it's okay." He tried to comfort her but it was working "no...no it's not (name) is dead and it's all my fault." Test tube mumbled.

Fan put his hand on test tube should "bowbot won inanimate insanity invitational why don't you congratulate her?" Fan ask hopefully he can cheer him up "you really think that a party after a funeral will help anything you are so dumb get out." She threatened fan ran of the room.

She started crying again holding a picture of you two "I miss you." She mumbled.

After your death she couldn't get over it  she started drinking, smoking, doing drugs, she sat in front of the tv all day, barely eating, she became depressed and hasn't been in her lab she just wanted you but that will never happen.

One day Oj came in "hey there Science gya." He walked to her she sat and moved some of the alcohol away "nothing." She said whispering "say it's been awhile since you came out of your room unless it's the bathroom of course." He chuckled at the end.

Test tube wasn't amused "look do you want anything or are you just wanna be a ass." She bellowed Oj carried her out of the hotel "look everyone is worried about you." Oj explained "you guys don't even care about (name)." She yelled "we do care about them we are all sad but you have move on." Oj open the front door and test tube out.

Oj closed the door locking it "and don't come back until it's sunset."

Test tube walked around a bit and kicked a few rocks she didn't want to go outside but the only choice was going to the creepy mansion she went there it didn't look any different she went to the room that has full of (color) she lay down on the bed.

You grabbed all snacks there was in that mansion because you heard someone is here and you didn't want to make them leave you been so alone for a long time.

When you got to your room you saw your best friend test tube you shouted her name "test tube!" She jumped up out bed and looked she started to cry out of happiness "aww don't cry I got food and snacks if you want some." Test tube grabbed everything and ate you look at her happily.

You grabbed a teddy bear holding it tightly "so why are you here?" You asks "well everyone in the hotel kicked me out because I was the only one who cared." She pity herself "away well you can stay here." Test tube smiled but decline after a few minutes she left hoping that Oj went outside.

Went she got back Oj smiling while holding a box "I'm actually impressed you left the hotel." Test tube ask about the box "oh don't mind me just throwing away the alcohol, cigarettes, drugs in your room." Oj smiled test tube nodded saying thank you and went to her room.

She sat on bed looking at her phone it looks like she missed a lot of messages.

Baxter's mom:
Hey test tube! Hope you're doing alright make sure to take of yourself.

Angry paintbrush:
TT why are acting like this please just apologize to fan you hurt his feelings.

The biggest fan ever:
I'm sorry for making you sad. Please talk to me.

Mickey Mouse rip-off:
Hey do you wanna talk about it?

Switch personality:
Can you please come out?
Stop being a loser and get out of your room.

And many more but test tube didn't felt like reading them all she just turn off her phone and went to sleep.

The next day test tube got up just to see you she also smile try not kill others just to make you love her all for you.

But will you say yes?

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