44# Coiny

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Request by @Dovelymeko art by PolandDoesn'tExist on Reddit

➤ He told you that he isn't an actually coin but wants everyone to know so no one will judge him for him not being what he looks like.

➤ He loves when make something happen even if you make something (for a joke or an accident) he'll still smile cause you worked hard on the outfit/dessert.

➤ If anyone say anything bad about it he'll spread rumors on them and everyone believe them and talk bad about them, avoid them, and four and x got a lot complaints and they have to eliminate them so it's all good.

➤ Coiny stare at you a lot if you told him that you're uncomfortable he won't stop he'll still stare at you until you enter a place with no windows then he'll pass out from beauty (don't fight on this you're beautiful.)

➤ He knows everything about you even if you don't tell him anything like your Wattpad account and he reads all the stories you have or you have in your library.

➤ He'll sneak into your room and steal what you made he loved it so much that he want it to himself and he deserves to have all of it.

➤ He does kidnap you but when you're distracted like making something or baking he would come in and give you a drink saying that he didn't want to his "friend" to be thirsty after they're done with their work.

➤ When you wake up you saw coiny next to you saying that he didn't kill your friends or family but he did get them eliminate and make you take sleeping medicine and tie you to a extra bed he had.

➤ He knows that you'll be mad/upset that he take you away so he brought you stuff and let's you out of the rope sometimes when he know you're that mad/upset.

➤ If you escape he would be shock he thought letting you out of the bed would help now he has to get you and let me tell you he wouldn't rest until he'll find and knows that you're safe.

➤ If you get hurt while escaping he won't shame you he'll patch you up and told you to be more careful if not he probably won't let you out he said kinda jokily.

➤ If you scream/yell/cry he probably wouldn't hear at first but after he went inside he ran downstairs and see you he try to calm you down and turn on his phone and play asmr if that doesn't work then he put tape on your mouth apologizing for what he did.

➤ If you love him he'll let you out of the house like a person drop a rabbit/bunny and plays with you if you want and wear and eat whatever you made but if you don't he understand you need sometime to think about and he'll for 3 years if have to.

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