70# Algebraliens

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Request by GeyLmwo and I found this by redbubble

➤ You woke up seeing a alien that looking a x he ask why were you here you didn't know why or where you are but x understand and show you to his friends.

➤ When x show you to their friends the algebralines fell in love with you I mean you're so pretty and beautiful (stop saying that you're not you are honey! 😤👊🏽)

➤ One is...like a puppy they are always put his head(?) on your arm while you busy doing something.

➤ They also tell you that they get attention from anyone you hold them in your arms telling them how important they are.

➤ Two tells you lies about the other algebraliens but x told you the actual truth so you kinda don't trust two (two also made lies about x.)

➤ But they're not all that bad they give you gives and show some of cool stuff they did with their power.

➤ Three sometimes yell at you when you make mistakes but apologize by buying you food (so they say sorry but will show that they're sorry.)

➤ Four is clingy and gets mad when you talk to someone (except x) and scream at them or kill them depending what the person is talking about.

➤ They also tell you about how two steal most of his contestants and spread lies about them so you kinda have trust issues because of them.

➤ Five loves holding your hand but if mention about it he pulls it away and hold hands with himself.

➤ If anyone bothers you he'll step in telling them to back off and will kill them if they go farther.

➤ Six is easily jealous he always give the person/object/etc death glances but when you look at them he look away quickly.

➤ He also comfort you if you're ashamed or upset at something he's basically your therapist and he also paid you $600k but realize he isn't a actually therapist (and they forgot your beauty exist.)

➤ Seven tells you jokes that doesn't show even make or too dark to cry even call dark humor but you still laugh because you don't want to hurt their feels.

➤ She also loves to draw in her notebook when you see it they told it wasn't what it look like (you also saw an art of you being naked and fucked them.)

➤ Eight lays his head(?) on your shoulder and told if he's annoying you you can just tell him to stop (I think you even know when he's a yandere.)

➤ He plays monopoly with you weather he ends up winning or not he clap his hand says wanna play again.

➤ Nine skates with you if you never or scared to skateboard he'll teach you and tell you not to be afraid if you got hurt he'll feel so guilty and bandages you.

➤ He gives his sunglasses but comes back with new sunglasses when you ask how he got it he got confuse and called you silly (name).

➤ Most of time you saw them arguing 24/7 to the point that you had a enough and x can see that so they take your hand and took you somewhere calm and peaceful.

➤ You talk about how annoying everyone is and how clingy they are x agreed you both got a little nap thinking no one will ruin it but you were wrong. (Guess who ruined it?)

➤ 10! He was stalking you and you didn't even know he was too sneaky and grabbed while running away.

➤ X woke up running after ten trying to catch him but all algebraliens saw this and argued again while ten was still holding you and four holding x.

➤ But two came up with a good idea kidnapping x and you everyone think about this for a second and agreed ten knocked out the both you.

➤ When you woke you saw x crying and all the alien gathering around them threatened you if you escape x will die (they won't actually kill x they're hurt the both of you but won't kill the both of you.)


Here's my oc I was suppose to give earlier sorry also I'm good at art so I tried pastel girl but here you go

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Here's my oc I was suppose to give earlier sorry also I'm good at art so I tried pastel girl but here you go.

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