57# Gray

729 9 25

Request by @GeyLmwo art by artificialpocky on tumblr

➤ How. DID. YOU. GET. THEM?!

➤ They did fall in love first but later they be getting a few butterflies around his stomach if he even thinks about you.

➤ They always help you and your team with everything the others got jealous but if you have a problem with them they'll gladly help you (but if they still causing you trouble they'll eliminate them.)

➤ If you get eliminate they got upset and doesn't trap you in their ball they just told you to help them around place and doesn't let you near the contestants unless you're explaining the rules in case they didn't listen.

➤ They know when you're upset you can't hide anything from them they know when you're upset they hold you letting you vent and cry they give you advice you needed.

➤ They tell you jokes that actually funny you almost died by laughing too much (which could actually happen.) but they rescue you before you could see god.

➤ They cook good (like Gordon Ramsay) and you eat all the food if you give to someone they don't care all the much but will why didn't your ask if they wanted their food.

➤ They're like a sibling to you they tease you but gets mad when someone else does it, they called you names (dork, tiny (if you shorter then them) clumsy but in a rude just to tease you), and threaten to tell everyone your secret but they won't they just see you do their work.

➤ They do kidnap you but when everyone is busy and when you're alone they comes in your room (that they made) and told you follow them somewhere but then they give a drink that has melatonin in it while following them then you pass out.

➤ When you woke up you heard water and dishes after you couldn't talk they put tape on your to prevent you from yelling or screaming when they're done they came into their room telling you everything.

➤ I'm sorry but you're dumb if you think you can escape if they know that shapy pulled out a fish then they knows you escape they know where you are and stop what whatever's happening to find you and take you back.

➤ If you get hurt they know they fix you up saying that's it's important to fix bruise(s) then knocks you out and carry you back home where you belong (they're pretty strong btw.)

➤ They put cameras everywhere so you won't escape and put a tracker on you plus harder strains and looks at you with most maddest face I ever seen in my life.

➤ If you scream/yell/cry they hold you letting you doing whatever after that you felt a little bit better and they cook some food and place on the couch so you two can watch some movies.

➤ If you love them they blush and cover it up saying they love you too hugging you and cook you food and they're brought you flowers.

➤ If you don't they understand they still brought you flowers and cook you food they still be a little bit sad but waits until you finally love them.

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