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John says "I wish I had power enough to impress Alice" John than says "Wait a minute it's coming too close I need to get out of here!" John starts to run he barely manages to get away from the impact from the object. He goes back to see what fell from the sky and he finds a person who says "Damn it ever since that day my power is becoming too difficult to control!" John says "An alien?" The person says "Well at least I got away from her well for now but with Luck on her side she will find me MAN THAT GIRL IS UNSTABLE!" John says "Who are you?" The person says "Hey there i'm Veangeance what's your name kid!?" John says "It's John" Veangeance says "John huh? So tell me what's your rank?" John says "I'm human so I have no rank" Veangeance says "A human living here? That's messed up so let me guess you want to leave?" John says "No what I want is the power to become stronger than a God" Veangeance says "Power stronger than a God? Why such a request? Is it to impress a girl? Tell me John all about this girl" John says "Why should I?" Veangeance says "Good point so how about this? Tell me what she's like and in return I will give you the power you need to beat a God!" John says "You will really do that for me?"  Veangeance says "Yeah I will for two reasons one is I could use this excuse to stay away from those girls the other reason is something that you will have to find out for yourself!"

The Conqueror Book 6 The Story of JohnWhere stories live. Discover now