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John watches the battle unfold he is being taken over by feelings of Hate and Rage he says "NO MORE IF THIS CONTINUES ANY LONGER CASEDY IS GOING TO KILL HER I CAN'T LET THAT HAPPEN I NEED TO SAVE ALICE!" Casedy says "I WILL NOW END THIS IF YOU CONTINUE TO FIGHT TOU WILL DIE!" Casedy swoops in for the finishing attack but he is sent crashing into one of the four walls with a spin kick from John in Hyperactive and Deadman's Blessing Mode. John goes over to Alice and says "It's over you can stop fighting" Alice attacks John after a few seconds Kale whispers "Alice I order you to stop" Alice stops she collapses and is unconscious Casedy says "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING SHE'S MY OPPONENT?" John says "YOU DIDEN'T NEED TO GO THAT FAR YOU COULD HAVE KILLED HER!" Casedy says "SO WHAT IF I KILLED HER? IT WOULD HAVE BEEN HER FAULT FOR REFUSEING TO GIVE UP!" John says "So that's how it is?" Casedy says "Good you understand!" John says "UNDERSTAND THIS ON THE DAY OF THE FINAL ROUND I WILL NOT HOLD BACK I WILL USE EVERYTHING IN MY POWER TO TAKE YOU DOWN YOU WILL REGREAT WHAT YOU HAVE DONE TODAY I WILL DEFEAT YOU CASEDY THE IMMORTAL PHOENIX GOD!" Casedy says "BUT BEFORE THAN LET ME GIVE YOU A TASTE OF MY POWER ALL I NEED IS ONE HIT AND YOU WILL LOSE!" John enters all Deadman's Blessing Modes and all Hyperactive Mode generation one stages and Awakened Hyperactive Mode generation two stages. John says "FINE SHOW ME YOUR POWER I WILL SHOW YOU THAT IT WON'T BE ABLE TO DEFEAT ME!" Casedy says "YOU ASKED FOR THIS TASTE THE POWER OF ONE OF MY ATTACKS!"

The Conqueror Book 6 The Story of JohnWhere stories live. Discover now