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Another memory even more recent. Savage gets a target he says "So this Conqueror guy was too strong for you so if I defeat him than everyone will have to acknoweldge that I am stronger right little brother?" Savage heads out to fight Pure Darkness. Another memory a more recent one Berserker says "I AM GOING TO WIN BECAUSE I WORK HARD TO GET THIS STRONG BUT YOU DON'T THAT'S WHY YOU WILL LOSE!" Savage says "POWER IS EVERYTHING!" Another memory even more recent Monster gets his arm broken by The Ultimate Fighter but counters with his full power. Savage says "Why is he so powerful? How did he get to this level?" The memory's end Savage says "What is with those memories? How did he get so strong?" Savage yells up at the sky "TELL ME HOW HE DID IT!?" Someone says "Hard work and lots of it that's how he did it well that's how they did it" Savage says "Who are you?" The person says "Just a paserby but let me give you some advice fight them as you are now and after that do some hard work to improve fight them again and see the diffrence you might be surprized at the results" Savage says "Thanks for the advice it was helpful" The person says "That's alright well good luck" The person leaves Savage says "Fight him now that's easy" Later Monster prepares to grab a bite to eat when he is attacked he evades at the last second than says "WHO'S THERE? WHAT DO YOU WANT? ANSWER OR I WILL ATTACK!" Savage says "I've come to fight little brother" Monster says "Savage can't you see I was busy?"

The Conqueror Book 6 The Story of JohnWhere stories live. Discover now