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"However the power and speed of Deadman's Blessing makes up for it's inferior number of stages so now that you know their history let's begin your training shall we?" John says "Yes sir master Veangeance ready when you are" Veangeance says "That's the spirit keep that determination it will get you through this training that's ahead of you" John says "Don't worry I will never lose that determination of mine" Veangeance says "NOW THAN LET'S BEGIN!" John says "How do I start the training?" Veangeance says "That is simple WATCH ME TAKE THE LIVES OF EVERYONNE YOU EVER CARED ABOUT ONE BY ONE RIGHT BEFORE YOUR EYES!" John says "That's not a good joke" Veangeance says "It's not supposed to be a joke it's only a fact!" John says "I won't let you do that!" Veangeance says "Than defeat me in battle!" John says "If that's my only option that is what I will do!" Veangeance says "BRING IT!" John attacks but Veangeance easily evades and counters by stabbing John with the Sword of Veangeance pinning John to the ground. John says "I AM NOT DONE YET!" John uses his full power to remove The Sword of Veangeance from his body but the moment it is removed. John is stabbed multiple times by Veangeance and than hit with a massive ball of Energy. This leaves John drenched in blood than John is lifted up to the sky and his entire body except for his head is traped in Ice. Veangeance says "NOW WATCH AS I KILL ALL OF YOUR LOVED ONES!" John yells "NO STOP DON'T DO IT!" Veangeance kills all of the people John ever cared about than he brings them back to life and kills them again and again until John snaps.

The Conqueror Book 6 The Story of JohnWhere stories live. Discover now