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However it was all in vain as Toney delivers a monsterish clap that sends John to his knees and blows away all of the Fire. John says "Use the power of Veangeance!" John enters Deadman's Blessing and attacks but his attacks have no effect. John gets slapped back into a wall he is back on the floor. John rises to his feet and says "Looks like this is it my hard work coulden't get me to the top but atleast I got this far right? I coulden't win another fight could I? Just end this" John limps over close to Toney and says "Atleast I tried in the end that's all anyone can do especially when fighting against Gods" Toney says "TIME TO GET CRUSHED!" Toney goes for the victory he makes his way over to John and than stands infront of him. Toney rises a fist than says "SAY GOOD NIGHT!" Toney goes for a punch but at that moment John grabs him by the arm and lifts him off his feet over head than slams him hard into the ground. This causes the ground to shake harder than before John says "IT'S TIME FOR ME TO END THIS FIGHT BEHOLD THE POWER OF LEGENDARY HYPERACTIVE MODE!" Using Legendary Hyperactive Mode John steps back as Toney gets to his feet he swipes at John however John is constantly evadeing before attacking. John beats Toney to a bloody pulp. Toney slams his hands to the ground causeing the ground to come out from under their feet and John is in the air. Toney says "NOW I HAVE YOU!" Toney charges up a Mouth Energy Cannon everyone takes cover as he launches the attack.

The Conqueror Book 6 The Story of JohnWhere stories live. Discover now