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This attack is followed by a spin kick in mid air than a double hammer fist knocking Kale to the ground and finishes with an Energy Cannon sending Kale crashing into the South Wall. John says "You must be able to see through deception or else you will lose!" John blasts himself in the gut with an Energy attack than punches himself in the gut falling to his knees. John hears laughter comeing from the directrion of the South Wall. Kale is on her feet she says "I'VE GOT YOUR BLOOD AND NOW I OWN YOU!" John says "But how? When?" John replays the last two minutes in his head it wasen't from the uppercut than the spin kick he sees Kale's hand move and graze his leg as she connects with his foot he snaps back to reality and says "The spin kick" Kale says "BINGO YOU GUESSED RIGHT NOW THAN IT'S TIME FOR YOUR REWARD!" At that moment a second Energy Clone John goes for a spin kick however Kale grazes his leg and has him get down on his knees. Kale says "YOU ARE GOING TO LOSE NOW JOHN!" At that time John gets to his feet slowly he is slammed into a wall. John enters Deadman's Blessing and slowly makes his way to Kale. She slams him back into the wall but than John remembers the Nightmare he was given and his power increases. He makes his way to Kale she tries to slam him into the wall again but is unable to. John struggles to make his way over to Kale. Kale puts more power into stopping John by doing this she releases some of the pressure on John's Energy clone.

The Conqueror Book 6 The Story of JohnWhere stories live. Discover now