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Lucy says "What are you talking about?" John says "I lost the fight" Lucy says "What do you mean? You did win that fight" John says "What do you mean I was defeated?" Sally says "John how did that fight end?" Lucy says "Why would you ask that? We all know how it ended?" John says "George finished me off with a knock out punch" Sally says "Do you remember what happened next?" John says "I was brought here" Lucy starts to speak when Sally says "Hey Lucy can I talk to you for a minute?" Lucy says "Sure" Lucy and Sally walk out of the room Lucy says "What did you want to talk about?" Sally says "You can't tell John how the fight ended he has memory loss so he doesn't remember winning if you told him it could get difficult so keep your mouth quiet" Lucy says "Fine I won't say anything happy?" Sally says "Very now let's go back to him" As the two are returning they find a few kids say "So you used Deadman's Blessing to defeat George you really are something incredible for a human good job!" John says "Deadman's Blessing I used that in the fight no this is bad very bad!" A kid says "What is it?" John says "I NEED TO GO!" John gets out of the Nurse's office the Nurse says "WHERE ARE YOU GOING?" John says "I HAVE SOMETHING I HAVE TO DO BYE!" John leaves the Nurse's office after walking past Lucy and Sally after John is gone Lucy says "What was that about?" Sally says "I don't know" John leaves School and goes to speak with Veangeance. Veangeance says "How did it go? Did you win?"

The Conqueror Book 6 The Story of JohnWhere stories live. Discover now