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Veangeance says "You turn that Guilt and Veangeance into a weapon and use it to lift the Sword of Veangeance that would be easy if I wanted you to lift it you see that sword can only be lifted for two reasons one the owner allows someone to use it but that someone would need to have the power needed to move it or someone manages to accept their Veangeance and uses it to make themselves stronger by doing this you can lift the Sword of Veangeance" John says "What does that have to do with Deadman''s Blessing?" Veangeance says "You wish to be able to control it while to do that you need to be able to control the power of Veangeance and Guilt or just one unless you can control one of those you will not have full control over Deadman's Blessing you would only drive yourself crazy" John says "That sounds reasonable I guess wait so you are the reason I was able to use The Sword of Veangeance? It was because you let me use it?" Veangeance says "Yeah that's the truth surprize I guess" John says "That's a real blow to my self worth you know?" Veangeance says "Well it was something I thought you should know but anyway it's time to begin" Veangeance puts The Sword of Veangeance into the ground than steps back he says "Feel free to start at any time" John walks over to the Sword and grabs the handle with one hand and tries to lift the Sword. It doesn't budge he uses his full power it still doesn't budge. John tries to use both hands it doesn't budge he puts all of his strength into it.

The Conqueror Book 6 The Story of JohnWhere stories live. Discover now