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John spins in mid air he evades the attack by doing this. As a result the attack hits the roof punching a hole through it. As a result the roof starts to come down. John evades the falling parts of the roof in midair than gather energy. John hits the floor and Toney hits him with a Mouth Energy Cannon. However John disappears Toney looks around but he doesn't see John. Until John comes out from beneath Toney's feet hitting him with an uppercut than two Energy attacks in each hand. One is from Legendary Hyperactive Mode and the second one is from Deadman's Blessing. Toney takes these two attacks head on followed by an Energy Cannon from behind. The parts of the falling roof comes crashing down around them. John starts to walk away but he hears "WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU ARE GOING?" John says "To celibrate my victory you shoulden't worry about me you should worry about what's behind you" Toney says "Behind me?" Toney turns around to see an Energy Clone of John yelling "SURPRIZE HERE'S YOUR BIRTHDAY PRESENT!" Toney is hit with an Energy Cannon to the face. The Energy Clone than disappears and Toney falls to his back unconscious. John says "That was too close another second and you would have won" The Announcer says "HERE IS YOUR WINNER JOHN THE HUMAN!" John is greeted by Lucy Sally and Kale Lucy says "You did John you beat him!" Sally says "How do you feel?" Kale says "I told you that you could do it!" John says "Thank you for the support but Kale there was a moment that I was about to attack but I stopped and slammed into a wall so you know anything about that?"

The Conqueror Book 6 The Story of JohnWhere stories live. Discover now