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John goes home the next day at school John is welcomed by Lucy who says "Good morning John how was your night?" John says "Are you talking to me?" Lucy says "Of course i'm talking to you who else would I be talking to?" John says "Someone other than me" Lucy says "Not today so how come you diden't answer my question?" John says "I had a good night?" Lucy says "That's wonderful to hear John would you like to know how my night was?" John says "I could care less but sure how was your night?" Lucy says "Pretty boring parents are a pain don't you agree?" John says "Yeah parent's suck see you around sometime" John walks away Lucy walks faster catching up to him she says "What's wrong? I only asked if you agree with me in saying parent's are the worst? So you shoulden't be mad right?" John says "LEAVE ME ALONE!" Lucy says "John wait I just want to talk to you!" John stops walking Lucy says "How's your back?" John gathers Energy into a Energy Blade and stabs the wall behin Lucy only a few inches away from her head he says "Leave me alone you have no clue how it feels to be me so stop talking to me" John stops gathering Energy for his Energy Sword causeing it to disappear. He than walks away one of Lucy's friends says "Don't mind that human filth he has no worth let's go" Lucy and her friends leave later that day on his way to see Veangeance John realizes that someone is following him. John looks behind him and sees someone hideing in some bushes.

The Conqueror Book 6 The Story of JohnWhere stories live. Discover now