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Madness says "Not much I just wanted to tell you that my friend here knows where Veangeance is" Luck says "YOU DO? TELL ME WHERE MY VEANGEANCE IS PLEASE HE NEEDS ME!" Madness says "I'm sorry but my friend doesn't like to talk from a distance you will need to get closer" Luck says "I do? Fine if that's what it'll take than i'll do it" Luck gets closer Madness says "Not close enough you need to be in arm's length because he's also shy and talks soft" Luck says "You better know where my Veangeance is" Luck gets in arm's length of Nightmare she says "Please tell me where my Veangeance is" Nightmare makes a hand motion than taps Luck on her shoulder he smiles than says "Welcome to your nightmare and feed me your fear!" Luck says "What are you talking about?" At that moment someone says "Hey Nightmare how are you?" Luck turns her head she says "VEANGEANCE MY LOVE I'VE BEEN LOOKING EVERYWHERE FOR YOU! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?" Veangeance says "Oh it's you Luck look i'm done with you I don't need you in my life anymore because i'm a married man I even have my own family so this is good bye take care!" Veangeance walks away and Luck collapses to her knees she says "VEANGEANCE DON'T GO I CAN CHANGE PLEASE JUST GIVE ME A CHANCE!" This encounter begins to repeat itself over and over again until Luck becomes emotionaly unstable. Than the Nightmare stops and Nightmare's appearence changes and he becomes a Dark Shadow figure with red eyes. 

The Conqueror Book 6 The Story of JohnWhere stories live. Discover now