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John escapes from the Ice he is in Deadman's Blessing he goes on the attack. Veangeance attacks John evades and counters with a spinkick than hits him with an Energy Cannon and suddenly everything stops. The next thing John knows he is back where he found Veangeance. John hears laughter than he hears "That was a waste of power you owe me Veangeance" Veangeance says "I know thanks for the help Nightmare" Nightmare says "Farewell Veangeance" Nightmare vanishes without a trace John says "YOU KILLED THEM YOU MONSTER!" Veangeance says "That was great you can stop now" John returns to normal he says "WHY DID YOU DO THAT? YOUR INSANE!" Veangeance says "I diden't do a thing what you just witnessed was a Nightmare none of those people were killed but that Nightmare seems to have did it's job" John says "What job?" Veangeance says "Giveing you a motivation a reason for Veangeance and Guilt you must remeber that exspeirence it will allow you to use Deadman's Blessing at will" John says "You mean to tell me it was all just a Nightmare?" Veangeance says "Yeah just a Nightmare nothing more nothing less" John says "How do you expect me to belive that?" Veangeance says "Your pain is gone if it was real you woulden't be able to move and you would still be drenched in blood" John says "I guess that's true ok than now what do I do?" 

The Conqueror Book 6 The Story of JohnWhere stories live. Discover now