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John says "I beat her but something happened in the fight" Veangeance says "What happened?" John says "There was a moment when I used both Hyperactive Mode and Deadman's Blessing at once" Veangeance says "How did you use Hyperactive Mode?" John says "I think it was because I hated myself for causeing Kale to cry and Rage for not being able to win I think I know what I need to do so I can lift The Sword of Veangeance i'm ready when you are" Veangeance puts The Sword in the ground than steps back and "Have at it" John says "Thank you" John goes over to the Sword puts his hand on the handle takes a deep breath and enters his mind. John sees the Nightmare start again John says "I will stop you I never let this happen again I will show you my power and avenge them all!" John snaps back to reality and pulls he removes The Sword from the ground and holds it up high he says "I DID IT I REMOVED THE SWORD!"  Veangeance says "Yeah you moved it NOW SWING IT!" John says "Sure thing" John goes to swing the sword but it flies out of his hands and goes towards Veangeance John says "LOOK OUT!" Veangeance catches the Sword with two fingers than stops it's movement he says "You need to train some more but you have to lift the Sword again and again until you can lift it anytime and as for Hyperactive Mode I will have you do the same thing but with an Energy Clone so here catch this" Veangeance tosses something to John. John catches it than says "What is it?"

The Conqueror Book 6 The Story of JohnWhere stories live. Discover now