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The ground starts to shake Pure Darkness looks over at the two people than says "THIS IS MY FULL POWER WITH IT I WILL TAKE YOU BOTH DOWN!" One of the two people says "You are weak" Pure Darkness says "WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL ME!?" At that moment Pure Darkness is punched in the back by the other one this attack beats Pure Darkness. The two people says "YOU HAVE LOST WEAKLING" Pure Darkness says "WEAKLING?" Pure Darkness starts to laugh he than says "YOUR DEAD!" Pure Darkness's power starts to increase dramticly to the point where it surpasses Berserker's power than stops increaseing. Pure Darkness puts a hand to the side of him opens the hand and a Sword appears in the hand. Pure Darkness closes it than says "SAY HELLO TO THE SWORD OF DARKNESS THE SWORD OF PURE DARKNESS THE MONSTER OF EVIL NOW DIE!" Pure Darkness goes on the attack but the two people evade him and one counters with a Ball of Energy to the gut. This attack causes the building to come crashing down. Pure Darkness pulls himself out of the rubble he is drenched in blood and badly hurt he coughs up blood. One of the two people says "That's a surprise I could have sworn that attack was strong enough to destroy an entire dimension and even though I focussed it all at a single spot the destructrive power should have atleast destroyed this world so how come only this building came down? Unless you used your power to keep the destructive power from hitting thw world? Oh ad it's a surprise that your still alive" Pure Darkness struggles to get to his feet but is than knocked unconscious with a punch.

The Conqueror Book 6 The Story of JohnWhere stories live. Discover now