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Veangeance says "NO DON'T GIVE UP IF YOU DO THAN YOU WILL NEVER BE LIKED BY ALICE KEEP FIGHTING!" John says "I can't I reached my limit I can't win" Kale says "KEEP GOING JOHN PUSH BEYOND THOSE LIMITS KEEP FIGHTING!" Casedy says "SHE WOULDEN'T GIVE UP IF SHE DIED SHE DIES IT WON'T BOTHER ME!" Max says "YOU CAN'T BE BEATEN!" John says "I was beaten I am no match for him" Toney says "CRUSH HIM!" Flash says "If you lose I will take Alice for myself Human filth!" John says "NO DON'T!" Chuck says "Why did I have to get the brother that's a weakling and quits when things get challengeing you are worthless!" John says "No Chuck don't say that" John than says "I WILL WIN THIS I WILL KEEP FIGHTING!" John's body is about to hit the ground hard. John's eyes pop open he stops his fall and gets to his feet he faces Casedy who says "YOU SHOULD HAVE JUST ADMITED DEFEAT NOW YOU WILL TAKE ANOTHER BEATING!" John says "YOU HURT ALICE I COULDEN'T SAVE THE ONES I LOVE I COULDEN'T SAVE ALICE I WILL NOT GIVE IN I WILL FIGHT TO THE BITTER END!" John's body is engulfed with massive power and he clenches his teeth he says "BEHOLD THE UNBEATABLE POWER THAT IS HYPERACTIVE DEADMAN'S BLESSING!" Casedy says "OH NOW WE'RE TALKING SHOW ME THE RESULT OF THIS POWER!" John and Casedy continue their fight as their battle unfolds the building comes down around them causeing a giant dust cloud. When the dust clears the crowd looks at the two fighters. Casedy is bearly standing while John is on the ground his limbs are fried to a crisp.

The Conqueror Book 6 The Story of JohnWhere stories live. Discover now